package org.singinst.uf.model; public interface UiTextConstant { UiText Q1_1_TEXT = new UiText("Is artificial intelligence possible in principle?", // "" + "" + // "" + // " " + // " 1)" + // " " + // " " + // " " + // " " + // " " + // " " + // " " + // "" + "" + "

Gene sequencing costs" + "have been dropping exponentially for some time. Here is a graph (from" + "Kurzweil 2005) that shows the trend from 1990 to 2004:

" + "

" + "

Germline genetic" + "modification for enhancing human intelligence would depend upon the" + "availability and cost of sequenced genomes. When will it be possible" + "to sequence an entire human genome for less than $1000?

" + "

" + "

" + "" + "" + "

" + "

" + "" + "

" + "

" + "" + "

" + "

" + "" + "

" + "

" + "

" + "
" + "

" + "" + "" ); UiText Q1_2_TEXT = new UiText("When will computing power stop improving exponentially?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText Q1_3_TEXT = new UiText("How much computing power for neuromorphic (brain-like) AI?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText Q1_4_TEXT = new UiText("How much funding will the largest neuromorphic AI projects have to buy computers with?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText Q1_5_TEXT = new UiText("When will we have enough brain imaging technology that we can build neuromorphic (brain-like) AI?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText C1_5_TEXT = new UiText("The future, according to you:
" + "Based on your answers, here is the (preliminary) probability that neuromorphic artificial intelligence will have been " + "created at different points in the future:
", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText Q1_6_TEXT = new UiText("What about non-neuromorphic AI? When will that be feasible?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText C1_6_TEXT = new UiText("The future, according to you:
" + "Based on your answers, here is the (preliminary) probability that artificial intelligence of any sort " + "(neuromorphic or non-neuromorphic) will have been created at different points in the future:
", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText Q1_7_TEXT = new UiText("What is the probability per year of major nuclear war that disrupts scientific progress?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText Q1_8_TEXT = new UiText("What is the probability per year of a non-nuclear catastrophe that disrupts scientific progress?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText C1_8_TEXT = new UiText("The future, according to you:
" + "Based on your answers, here is the probability that a science-disrupting disaster will have occurred by " + "different points in the future (assuming, for now, that AI has not occurred):
", "TODO: implemente help text"); UiText Q1_9_1_TEXT = new UiText("When will it be possible to sequence an entire human genome for less than $1000?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText Q1_9_2_TEXT = new UiText("How long before artificial gametes?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText Q1_9_3_TEXT = new UiText("How much do genetic variations contribute to scientific achievement?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText Q1_9_4_TEXT = new UiText("How widely will iterated embryo selection technology be adopted?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText Q1_9_5_TEXT = new UiText("What about other methods for enhancing human intelligence?", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText C1_9_TEXT = new UiText("The future, according to you:
" + "Based on your answers, here is the probability that artificial intelligence will have been created at " + "different points in the future. This time, we're factoring in your probabilities for " + "intelligence enhancement that speeds AI research.
", "TODO: implement help text"); UiText C1_10_TEXT = new UiText("The future, according to you:
" + "Based on your answers, here is the probability that there will have been a civilization-scale disruption " + "to business as usual by different points in the future.
", "TODO: implement help text"); }