package org.singinst.uf.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.singinst.uf.presenter.HtmlUtil; import org.singinst.uf.presenter.ScalarValuePointList; import org.singinst.uf.presenter.LineBounds; class MooresLawNodeMetadataContentsFactory { private final List asymptotes = new ArrayList(); private final List scalarSchemata = new ArrayList(); private final List scalarValueHolders = new ArrayList(); private final ScalarRelation relation; public MooresLawNodeMetadataContentsFactory(Node node) { LineBounds yearDomain = new LineBounds(1950, 2070); Axis year = new Axis(yearDomain); Axis flopsPerDollar = new Axis(new LineBounds(-4, 18, true)); int asymptoteLowerBound = 8; for (NotablePercentile percentile : NotablePercentile.values()) { LineBounds asymptoteRange = new LineBounds(asymptoteLowerBound, 18); MooreAsymptote asymptote = new MooreAsymptote(node, yearDomain, asymptoteRange, percentile); asymptotes.add(asymptote); scalarSchemata.add(asymptote.getScalar()); scalarValueHolders.add(asymptote.getConjecture()); asymptoteLowerBound += 2; } new MooreConstraint(getScalars()).constrain(); relation = new ScalarRelation(year, flopsPerDollar, MooresLawData.getInstance().points) { public List getConclusionGenerators() { return Collections.singletonList(new ConclusionReportGenerator() { public String getText(ScalarValueHolder scalarValueHolder, double value) { return "The limiting value of log(FLOPS/dollar) has a 90% chance of being between " + + " and " +; } }); } public List getScalarValues() { return scalarValueHolders; } @Override public List getPointLists() { List retVal = new ArrayList(); for (MooreAsymptote asymptote : asymptotes) { retVal.addAll(asymptote.getPointLists()); } return retVal; } }; } public ScalarRelation getRelation() { return relation; } public List getScalars() { return scalarSchemata; } }