package org.singinst.uf.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.singinst.uf.math.SimplePoint; import org.singinst.uf.presenter.DraggableLine; import org.singinst.uf.presenter.HtmlUtil; import org.singinst.uf.presenter.LineBounds; import org.singinst.uf.presenter.ScalarValuePointList; import org.singinst.uf.presenter.SimpleStyle; public class MooreAsymptote { private final ScalarSchema scalarSchema; private final LineBounds domain; private final ScalarValuePointList curvePointList; private final DraggableLine asymptotePointList; public MooreAsymptote(Node node, LineBounds domain, LineBounds asymptoteRange, NotablePercentile percentile) { asymptotePointList = new MooreDraggableLine(this, percentile); SimpleStyle style = new SimpleStyle(percentile.getColor()); curvePointList = new ScalarValuePointList(style); this.domain = domain; int percentileValue = percentile.getValue(); String name = "k" + percentileValue; scalarSchema = new ScalarSchema(node, name, asymptoteRange, "(log) FLOPS/$",, percentile.getText("early", "late") + " stop: 10 to the "), "", null, true); } public Collection getPointLists() { return Arrays.asList(asymptotePointList(), curvePointList()); } private ScalarValuePointList curvePointList() { List pointSamples = new ArrayList(); for (double x : domain.getSpanningSamples(101)) { pointSamples.add(new SimplePoint(x, yFromX(x))); } curvePointList.setHypothesisPoints(pointSamples); return curvePointList; } private static final long T0 = 2008; private static final double P0_NON_LOG = 10280000; private static final double P0_LOG = Math.log(P0_NON_LOG); private static final double DOUBLING_TIME_IN_YEARS = 1.5; private static final double R = Math.log(2) / DOUBLING_TIME_IN_YEARS; private double yFromX(double x) { double exponentialGrowthFactor = Math.exp(R * (x - T0)); double kNoLog = Math.pow(10, getConjecture().getValue()); double numerator = (kNoLog) * P0_NON_LOG * exponentialGrowthFactor; double denominator = (kNoLog) + P0_NON_LOG * (exponentialGrowthFactor - 1); double functionalYNoLog = numerator / denominator; return Math.log10(functionalYNoLog); } private ScalarValuePointList asymptotePointList() { double y = getConjecture().getValue(); asymptotePointList.setHypothesisPoints(Arrays.asList( new SimplePoint(domain.getLowerBound(), y), new SimplePoint(domain.getUpperBound(), y))); return asymptotePointList; } public ScalarValueHolder getConjecture() { return scalarSchema.getScalarValueHolder(); } public ScalarSchema getScalar() { return scalarSchema; } public void setY(double y) { scalarSchema.getScalarValueHolder().setValue(y); } public static double unboundedLnFlopsPerDollarAtYear(double year) { double unboundedLnFlopsPerDollar = P0_LOG + (R * (year - T0)); //"at year " + year + ", natural log unbounded flops per dollar is " + unboundedLnFlopsPerDollar); return unboundedLnFlopsPerDollar; } }