These files are derrived from Toby Borland's original designs for 4mm plywood RepRap parts - see for details. It'll be there somewhere. Try "Search". Some of these parts are interchangeable with Darwin 1.0 components. However, we encourage you to manufacture your own RepRap components as soon as possible so that you have spare parts - there are none in these files. You will also need around 10 x 8mm centre skate bearings. These are 22mm outside diameter and come from your local sporting goods store. Named for no other reason than the order in which they came up are "gen2" and "gen3". Gen2 is the first attempt to turn Toby's files into the system used by Ponoko who are kindly sponsoring development. They print out on 4.4mm thick material. We use ply as it is easy to cut and forms a strong bond with PVA glue. Gen3 stems from the realisation that a few cuts in MDF cost less than a lot of cuts in plywood. Great slabs of the frame are made from 9mm MDF. This makes it cheaper and uses less steel, but looks cool when cut in clear acrylic. Sadly, these parts are not all compatible with the parts RepRap makes, so please replace them at the earliest opportunity to avoid upgrade hassles. Neither are finished yet. This directory also includes an archive of photos of Toby's original design, and many original 4mm data files as DXFs as well as SVG. You will find Inkscape to be an excellent editor for the SVG files, and Vik uses qcad for printing DXFs to PostScript files, which can then be turned into SVGs with pstoedit: pstoedit -f plot-svg /tmp/ /tmp/x.svg This design is released in the spirit of the GPL, pending a similar hardware licence to Open Source hardware designs. If you do not have a copy of the GPL it can be obtained from, though a file should be present in this directory. Our intentions are clearly explained at 18-Apr-2008