package org.reprap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import javax.vecmath.Color3f; /** * A single centralised repository of the current preference settings. This also * implements (almost) a singleton for easy global access. If there are no current * preferences fallback distribution defaults are used. */ public class Preferences { private static final String propsFile = ""; private static final String propsFolder = ".reprap"; private static final String propsFileDist = ""; private static Preferences globalPrefs = null; Properties fallbackPreferences; Properties mainPreferences; /* * This section deals with internal (i.e. not RepRap machine, but this code or * physics) precisions and accuracies - it should probably * get its data from the properties file... */ private static final int grid = 100; // Click outline polygons to a... private static final double gridRes = 1.0/grid; // ...10 micron grid private static final double lessGridSquare = gridRes*gridRes*0.01; // Small squared size of a gridsquare private static final double tiny = 1.0e-12; // A small number private static final double swell = 1.01; // Quad tree swell factor private static final double machineResolution = 0.1; // RepRap step size in mm - should // derive this from Axis1Scale and Axis2Scale private static final double absoluteZero = -273; private static final double inToMM = 25.4; private static final Color3f black = new Color3f(0, 0, 0); public static int grid() { return grid; } public static double gridRes() { return gridRes; } public static double lessGridSquare() { return lessGridSquare; } public static double tiny() { return tiny; } public static double swell() { return swell; } public static double inchesToMillimetres() { return inToMM; } public static double machineResolution() { return machineResolution; } public static double absoluteZero() { return absoluteZero; } public static Appearance unselectedApp() { Color3f unselectedColour = null; try { unselectedColour = new Color3f((float)Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("UnselectedColourR(0..1)"), (float)Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("UnselectedColourG(0..1)"), (float)Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("UnselectedColourB(0..1)")); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } Appearance unselectedApp = new Appearance(); unselectedApp.setMaterial(new Material(unselectedColour, black, unselectedColour, black, 0f)); return unselectedApp; } // Main preferences constructor public Preferences() throws IOException { fallbackPreferences = new Properties(); mainPreferences = new Properties(); URL fallbackUrl = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(propsFileDist); // Construct URL of user properties file String path = new String(System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar + propsFolder + File.separatorChar + propsFile); File mainFile = new File(path); URL mainUrl = mainFile.toURL(); if (fallbackUrl == null && !mainFile.exists()) throw new IOException("Cannot load RepRap properties file or default "+propsFileDist); if (fallbackUrl != null) fallbackPreferences.load(fallbackUrl.openStream()); if (mainFile.exists()) mainPreferences.load(mainUrl.openStream()); else { // If we don't have a local preferences file copy the default // file into it. mainPreferences.load(fallbackUrl.openStream()); save(); } } public void save() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String savePath = new String(System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar + propsFolder + File.separatorChar); File f = new File(savePath + File.separatorChar + propsFile); if (!f.exists()) { // No properties file exists, so we will create one and try again // We'll put the properties file in the .reprap folder, // under the user's home folder. File p = new File(savePath); if (!p.isDirectory()) // Create .reprap folder if necessary p.mkdirs(); } OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(f);, "Reprap properties"); } public String loadString(String name) { if (mainPreferences.containsKey(name)) return mainPreferences.getProperty(name); if (fallbackPreferences.containsKey(name)) return fallbackPreferences.getProperty(name); System.err.println("RepRap preference: " + name + " not found in either preference file."); return null; } public int loadInt(String name) { String strVal = loadString(name); return Integer.parseInt(strVal); } public double loadDouble(String name) { String strVal = loadString(name); return Double.parseDouble(strVal); } public boolean loadBool(String name) { String strVal = loadString(name); if (strVal == null) return false; if (strVal.length() == 0) return false; if (strVal.compareToIgnoreCase("true") == 0) return true; return false; } synchronized private static void initIfNeeded() throws IOException { if (globalPrefs == null) globalPrefs = new Preferences(); } public static String loadGlobalString(String name) throws IOException { initIfNeeded(); return globalPrefs.loadString(name); } public static int loadGlobalInt(String name) throws IOException { initIfNeeded(); return globalPrefs.loadInt(name); } public static double loadGlobalDouble(String name) throws IOException { initIfNeeded(); return globalPrefs.loadDouble(name); } public static boolean loadGlobalBool(String name) throws IOException { initIfNeeded(); return globalPrefs.loadBool(name); } public static void saveGlobal() throws IOException { initIfNeeded();; } public static Preferences getGlobalPreferences() throws IOException { initIfNeeded(); return globalPrefs; } /** * Set a new value * @param name * @param value * @throws IOException */ public static void setGlobalString(String name, String value) throws IOException { initIfNeeded(); globalPrefs.setString(name, value); } public static void setGlobalBool(String name, boolean value) throws IOException { initIfNeeded(); globalPrefs.setString(name, value ? "true" : "false"); } /** * @param name * @param value */ private void setString(String name, String value) { mainPreferences.setProperty(name, value); } /** * @return an array of all the names of all the materials in extruders * @throws IOException */ public static String[] allMaterials() throws IOException { int extruderCount = globalPrefs.loadInt("NumberOfExtruders"); String[] result = new String[extruderCount]; for(int i = 0; i < extruderCount; i++) { String prefix = "Extruder" + i + "_"; result[i] = globalPrefs.loadString(prefix + "MaterialType(name)"); } return result; } public static String[] startsWith(String prefix) throws IOException { initIfNeeded(); Enumeration allOfThem = globalPrefs.mainPreferences.propertyNames(); List r = new ArrayList(); while(allOfThem.hasMoreElements()) { String next = (String)allOfThem.nextElement(); if(next.startsWith(prefix)) r.add(next); } String[] result = new String[r.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) result[i] = (String)r.get(i); return result; } public static String[] notStartsWith(String prefix) throws IOException { initIfNeeded(); Enumeration allOfThem = globalPrefs.mainPreferences.propertyNames(); List r = new ArrayList(); while(allOfThem.hasMoreElements()) { String next = (String)allOfThem.nextElement(); if(!next.startsWith(prefix)) r.add(next); } String[] result = new String[r.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) result[i] = (String)r.get(i); return result; } }