Settings is a collection of utilities to display, read & write the settings and position widgets.
from __future__ import absolute_import
#Init has to be imported first because it has code to workaround the python bug where relative imports don't work if the module is imported as a main module.
import __init__
from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import euclidean
from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import gcodec
import cStringIO
import os
import shutil
import webbrowser
import Tkinter
print( 'You do not have Tkinter, which is needed for the graphical interface, you will only be able to use the command line.' )
print( 'Information on how to download Tkinter is at:\nwww.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/' )
__author__ = "Enrique Perez (perez_enrique@yahoo.com)"
__date__ = "$Date: 2008/23/04 $"
__license__ = "GPL 3.0"
globalRepositoryDialogListTable = {}
globalProfileSaveListenerListTable = {}
globalCloseListTables = [ globalRepositoryDialogListTable, globalProfileSaveListenerListTable ]
globalSpreadsheetSeparator = '\t'
def addAcceleratorCommand( acceleratorBinding, commandFunction, master, menu, text ):
"Add accelerator command."
acceleratorText = acceleratorBinding[ 1 : - 1 ]
lastIndexOfMinus = acceleratorText.rfind( '-' )
if lastIndexOfMinus > - 1:
acceleratorText = acceleratorText[ : lastIndexOfMinus + 1 ] + acceleratorText[ lastIndexOfMinus + 1 : ].capitalize()
acceleratorText = acceleratorText.replace( 'KeyPress-', '' )
acceleratorText = acceleratorText.replace( '-', '+' )
acceleratorText = acceleratorText.replace( 'Control', 'Ctrl' )
acceleratorBinding = acceleratorBinding.replace( 'KeyPress', '' )
menu.add_command( accelerator = acceleratorText, label = text, underline = 0, command = commandFunction )
master.bind( acceleratorBinding, commandFunction )
def addElementToListTableIfNotThere( element, key, listTable ):
"Add the value to the lists."
if key in listTable:
elements = listTable[ key ]
if element not in elements:
elements.append( element )
listTable[ key ] = [ element ]
def addEmptyRow( gridPosition ):
"Add an empty row."
Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master ).grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = gridPosition.column )
def addListsSetCraftProfileArchive( craftSequence, defaultProfile, repository, fileNameHelp ):
"Set the craft profile archive."
addListsToRepository( fileNameHelp, '', repository )
repository.craftSequenceLabel = LabelDisplay().getFromName( 'Craft Sequence: ', repository )
craftToolStrings = []
for craftTool in craftSequence[ : - 1 ]:
craftToolStrings.append( getEachWordCapitalized( craftTool ) + '->' )
craftToolStrings.append( getEachWordCapitalized( craftSequence[ - 1 ] ) )
for craftToolStringIndex in xrange( 0, len( craftToolStrings ), 5 ):
craftLine = ' '.join( craftToolStrings[ craftToolStringIndex : craftToolStringIndex + 5 ] )
LabelDisplay().getFromName( craftLine, repository )
LabelDisplay().getFromName( '', repository )
repository.profileList = ProfileList().getFromName( 'Profile List:', repository )
repository.profileListbox = ProfileListboxSetting().getFromListSetting( repository.profileList, 'Profile Selection:', repository, defaultProfile )
repository.addListboxSelection = AddProfile().getFromProfileListboxSettingRepository( repository.profileListbox, repository )
repository.deleteListboxSelection = DeleteProfile().getFromProfileListboxSettingRepository( repository.profileListbox, repository )
directoryName = getProfilesDirectoryPath()
makeDirectory( directoryName )
repository.windowPosition.value = '0+400'
def addListsToRepository( fileNameHelp, profileDirectory, repository ):
"Add the value to the lists."
repository.archive = []
repository.displayEntities = []
repository.executeTitle = None
repository.fileNameHelp = fileNameHelp
repository.fileNameInput = None
repository.lowerName = fileNameHelp.split( '.' )[ - 2 ]
repository.baseName = os.path.join( profileDirectory, repository.lowerName + '.csv' )
repository.capitalizedName = getEachWordCapitalized( repository.lowerName )
repository.openLocalHelpPage = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( repository.fileNameHelp )
repository.openWikiManualHelpPage = None
repository.repositoryDialog = None
repository.saveListenerTable = {}
repository.title = repository.capitalizedName + ' Settings'
repository.menuEntities = []
repository.saveCloseTitle = 'Save and Close'
repository.windowPosition = WindowPosition().getFromValue( repository, '0+0' )
WindowVisibilities().getFromRepository( repository )
for setting in repository.archive:
setting.repository = repository
def addMenuEntitiesToMenu( menu, menuEntities ):
"Add the menu entities to the menu."
for menuEntity in menuEntities:
menuEntity.addToMenu( menu )
def addMenuEntitiesToMenuFrameable( menu, menuEntities ):
"Add the menu entities to the menu."
for menuEntity in menuEntities:
menuEntity.addToMenuFrameable( menu )
def addPluginsParentToMenu( directoryPath, menu, parentPath, pluginFileNames ):
"Add plugins and the parent to the menu."
ToolDialog().addPluginToMenu( menu, parentPath[ : parentPath.rfind( '.' ) ] )
addPluginsToMenu( directoryPath, menu, pluginFileNames )
def addPluginsToMenu( directoryPath, menu, pluginFileNames ):
"Add plugins to the menu."
for pluginFileName in pluginFileNames:
ToolDialog().addPluginToMenu( menu, os.path.join( directoryPath, pluginFileName ) )
def cancelRepository( repository ):
"Read the repository then set all the entities to the read archive values."
getReadRepository( repository )
for setting in repository.displayEntities:
if setting in repository.archive:
def deleteDirectory( directory, subfolderName ):
"Delete the directory if it exists."
subDirectory = os.path.join( directory, subfolderName )
if os.path.isdir( subDirectory ):
shutil.rmtree( subDirectory )
def deleteMenuItems( menu ):
"Delete the menu items."
lastMenuIndex = menu.index( Tkinter.END )
if lastMenuIndex != None:
menu.delete( 0, lastMenuIndex )
print( 'this should never happen, the lastMenuIndex in deleteMenuItems in settings could not be determined.' )
def getAlongWayHexadecimalColor( beginBrightness, colorWidth, difference, endColorTuple, wayLength ):
"Get a color along the way from begin brightness to the end color."
alongWay = 1.0
if wayLength != 0.0:
alongWay = min( 1.0, float( difference ) / float( wayLength ) )
hexadecimalColor = '#'
oneMinusAlongWay = 1.0 - alongWay
for primaryIndex in xrange( 3 ):
hexadecimalColor += getAlongWayHexadecimalPrimary( beginBrightness, oneMinusAlongWay, colorWidth, endColorTuple[ primaryIndex ], alongWay )
return hexadecimalColor
def getAlongWayHexadecimalPrimary( beginBrightness, beginRatio, colorWidth, endBrightness, endRatio ):
"Get a primary color along the way from grey to the end color."
brightness = beginRatio * float( beginBrightness ) + endRatio * float( endBrightness )
return getWidthHex( int( round( brightness ) ), colorWidth )
def getArchiveText( repository ):
"Get the text representation of the archive."
archiveWriter = cStringIO.StringIO()
archiveWriter.write( 'Format is tab separated %s.\n' % repository.title.lower() )
archiveWriter.write( 'Name %sValue\n' % globalSpreadsheetSeparator )
for setting in repository.archive:
setting.writeToArchiveWriter( archiveWriter )
return archiveWriter.getvalue()
def getDirectoryInAboveDirectory( directory ):
"Get the directory in the above directory."
aboveDirectory = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) ) )
return os.path.join( aboveDirectory, directory )
def getDisplayedDialogFromConstructor( repository ):
"Display the repository dialog."
getReadRepository( repository )
return RepositoryDialog( repository, Tkinter.Tk() )
getReadRepository( repository )
return RepositoryDialog( repository, Tkinter.Tk() )
print( 'this should never happen, getDisplayedDialogFromConstructor in settings could not open' )
print( repository )
return None
def getDisplayedDialogFromPath( path ):
"Display the repository dialog."
pluginModule = gcodec.getModuleWithPath( path )
if pluginModule == None:
return None
return getDisplayedDialogFromConstructor( pluginModule.getNewRepository() )
def getDisplayToolButtonsRepository( directoryPath, importantFileNames, names, repository ):
"Get the display tool buttons."
displayToolButtons = []
for name in names:
displayToolButton = DisplayToolButton().getFromPath( name in importantFileNames, name, os.path.join( directoryPath, name ), repository )
displayToolButtons.append( displayToolButton )
return displayToolButtons
def getDocumentationPath( subName = '' ):
"Get the documentation file path."
numberOfLevelsDeepInPackageHierarchy = 2
packageFilePath = os.path.abspath( __file__ )
for level in xrange( numberOfLevelsDeepInPackageHierarchy + 1 ):
packageFilePath = os.path.dirname( packageFilePath )
documentationIndexPath = os.path.join( packageFilePath, 'documentation' )
return os.path.join( documentationIndexPath, subName )
def getEachWordCapitalized( name ):
"Get the capitalized name."
withSpaces = name.lower().replace( '_', ' ' )
words = withSpaces.split( ' ' )
capitalizedStrings = []
for word in words:
capitalizedStrings.append( word.capitalize() )
return ' '.join( capitalizedStrings )
def getFileInAlterationsOrGivenDirectory( directory, fileName ):
"Get the file from the fileName or the lowercase fileName in the alterations directories, if there is no file look in the given directory."
settingsAlterationsDirectory = getSettingsDirectoryPath( 'alterations' )
makeDirectory( settingsAlterationsDirectory )
fileInSettingsAlterationsDirectory = getFileInGivenDirectory( settingsAlterationsDirectory, fileName )
if fileInSettingsAlterationsDirectory != '':
return fileInSettingsAlterationsDirectory
alterationsDirectory = getDirectoryInAboveDirectory( 'alterations' )
fileInAlterationsDirectory = getFileInGivenDirectory( alterationsDirectory, fileName )
if fileInAlterationsDirectory != '':
return fileInAlterationsDirectory
if directory == '':
directory = os.getcwd()
return getFileInGivenDirectory( directory, fileName )
def getFileInGivenDirectory( directory, fileName ):
"Get the file from the fileName or the lowercase fileName in the given directory."
directoryListing = os.listdir( directory )
lowerFileName = fileName.lower()
for directoryFile in directoryListing:
if directoryFile.lower() == lowerFileName:
return getFileTextGivenDirectoryFileName( directory, directoryFile )
return ''
def getFileTextGivenDirectoryFileName( directory, fileName ):
"Get the entire text of a file with the given file name in the given directory."
absoluteFilePath = os.path.join( directory, fileName )
return gcodec.getFileText( absoluteFilePath )
def getFolders( directory ):
"Get the folder list in a directory."
makeDirectory( directory )
directoryListing = []
directoryListing = os.listdir( directory )
except OSError:
print( 'Skeinforge can not list the directory:' )
print( directory )
print( 'so give it read/write permission for that directory.' )
folders = []
for fileName in directoryListing:
if os.path.isdir( os.path.join( directory, fileName ) ):
folders.append( fileName )
return folders
def getPathFromFileNameHelp( fileNameHelp ):
"Get the directory path from file name help."
skeinforgePath = getSkeinforgeDirectoryPath()
splitFileNameHelps = fileNameHelp.split( '.' )
splitFileNameDirectoryNames = splitFileNameHelps[ : - 1 ]
for splitFileNameDirectoryName in splitFileNameDirectoryNames:
skeinforgePath = os.path.join( skeinforgePath, splitFileNameDirectoryName )
return skeinforgePath
def getRadioPluginsAddPluginFrame( directoryPath, importantFileNames, names, repository ):
"Get the radio plugins and add the plugin frame."
repository.pluginFrame = PluginFrame()
radioPlugins = []
for name in names:
radioPlugin = RadioPlugin().getFromRadio( name in importantFileNames, repository.pluginFrame.latentStringVar, name, repository, name == importantFileNames[ 0 ] )
radioPlugin.updateFunction = repository.pluginFrame.update
radioPlugins.append( radioPlugin )
defaultRadioButton = getSelectedRadioPlugin( importantFileNames + [ radioPlugins[ 0 ].name ], radioPlugins )
repository.pluginFrame.getFromPath( defaultRadioButton, directoryPath, repository )
return radioPlugins
def getProfilesDirectoryPath( subfolder = '' ):
"Get the profiles directory path, which is the settings directory joined with profiles."
profilesDirectory = getSettingsDirectoryPath( 'profiles' )
if subfolder == '':
return profilesDirectory
return os.path.join( profilesDirectory, subfolder )
def getProfilesDirectoryInAboveDirectory( subName = '' ):
"Get the profiles directory path in the above directory."
aboveProfilesDirectory = getDirectoryInAboveDirectory( 'profiles' )
if subName == '':
return aboveProfilesDirectory
return os.path.join( aboveProfilesDirectory, subName )
def getReadRepository( repository ):
"Read and return settings from a file."
text = gcodec.getFileText( getProfilesDirectoryPath( repository.baseName ), 'r', False )
if text == '':
print( 'The default %s will be written in the .skeinforge folder in the home directory.' % repository.title.lower() )
text = gcodec.getFileText( getProfilesDirectoryInAboveDirectory( repository.baseName ), 'r', False )
if text != '':
readSettingsFromText( repository, text )
writeSettings( repository )
return repository
readSettingsFromText( repository, text )
return repository
def getSelectedPluginModuleFromPath( filePath, plugins ):
"Get the selected plugin module."
for plugin in plugins:
if plugin.value:
return gcodec.getModuleFromPath( plugin.name, filePath )
return None
def getSelectedPluginName( plugins ):
"Get the selected plugin name."
for plugin in plugins:
if plugin.value:
return plugin.name
return ''
def getSelectedRadioPlugin( names, radioPlugins ):
"Get the selected radio button if it exists, None otherwise."
for radioPlugin in radioPlugins:
if radioPlugin.value:
return radioPlugin
for name in names:
for radioPlugin in radioPlugins:
if radioPlugin.name == name:
radioPlugin.value = True
return radioPlugin
print( 'this should never happen, no getSelectedRadioPlugin in settings' )
print( names )
return radioPlugin[ 0 ]
def getSettingsDirectoryPath( subfolder = '' ):
"Get the settings directory path, which is the home directory joined with .skeinforge."
settingsDirectory = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser( '~' ), '.skeinforge' )
if subfolder == '':
return settingsDirectory
return os.path.join( settingsDirectory, subfolder )
def getSkeinforgeToolsDirectoryPath():
"Get the skeinforge tools directory path."
return os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) ) )
def getSkeinforgeDirectoryPath():
"Get the skeinforge directory path."
return os.path.dirname( getSkeinforgeToolsDirectoryPath() )
def getSubfolderWithBasename( basename, directory ):
"Get the subfolder in the directory with the basename."
makeDirectory( directory )
directoryListing = os.listdir( directory )
for fileName in directoryListing:
joinedFileName = os.path.join( directory, fileName )
if os.path.isdir( joinedFileName ):
if basename == fileName:
return joinedFileName
return None
def getTitleFromName( title ):
"Get the title of this setting."
if title[ - 1 ] == ':':
title = title[ : - 1 ]
spaceBracketIndex = title.find( ' (' )
if spaceBracketIndex > - 1:
return title[ : spaceBracketIndex ]
return title
def getWidthHex( number, width ):
"Get the first width hexadecimal digits."
return ( '0000%s' % hex( number )[ 2 : ] )[ - width : ]
def liftRepositoryDialogs( repositoryDialogs ):
"Lift the repository dialogs."
for repositoryDialog in repositoryDialogs:
repositoryDialog.root.withdraw() # the withdraw & deiconify trick is here because lift does not work properly on my linux computer
repositoryDialog.root.lift() # probably not necessary, here in case the withdraw & deiconify trick does not work on some other computer
repositoryDialog.root.lift() # probably not necessary, here in case the withdraw & deiconify trick does not work on some other computer
def makeDirectory( directory ):
"Make a directory if it does not already exist."
if os.path.isdir( directory ):
os.makedirs( directory )
except OSError:
print( 'Skeinforge can not make the directory %s so give it read/write permission for that directory and the containing directory.' % directory )
def openWebPage( webPagePath ):
"Open a web page in a browser."
if webPagePath.find( '#' ) != - 1: # to get around # encode bug
redirectionText = '\n\n
redirectionText += '\n\n' % webPagePath
webPagePath = getDocumentationPath( 'redirect.html' )
gcodec.writeFileText( webPagePath, redirectionText )
webPagePath = '"%s"' % webPagePath # " to get around space in url bug
os.startfile( webPagePath )#this is available on some python environments, but not all
webbrowserName = webbrowser.get().name
if webbrowserName == '':
print( 'Skeinforge was not able to open the documentation file in a web browser. To see the documentation, open the following file in a web browser:' )
print( webPagePath )
os.system( webbrowserName + ' ' + webPagePath )#used this instead of webbrowser.open() to workaround webbrowser open() bug
def quitWindow( root ):
"Quit a window."
def quitWindows( event = None ):
"Quit all windows."
global globalRepositoryDialogListTable
globalRepositoryDialogValues = euclidean.getListTableElements( globalRepositoryDialogListTable )
for globalRepositoryDialogValue in globalRepositoryDialogValues:
quitWindow( globalRepositoryDialogValue.root )
def readSettingsFromText( repository, text ):
"Read settings from a text."
lines = gcodec.getTextLines( text )
settingTable = {}
for setting in repository.archive:
settingTable[ setting.name ] = setting
for lineIndex in xrange( len( lines ) ):
setArchiveToLine( lineIndex, lines, settingTable )
def saveRepository( repository ):
"Set the entities to the dialog then write them."
for setting in repository.archive:
writeSettingsPrintMessage( repository )
for saveListener in repository.saveListenerTable.values():
def setArchiveToLine( lineIndex, lines, settingTable ):
"Set an archive to a setting line."
line = lines[ lineIndex ]
splitLine = line.split( globalSpreadsheetSeparator )
if len( splitLine ) < 2:
fileSettingName = splitLine[ 0 ]
if fileSettingName in settingTable:
settingTable[ fileSettingName ].setValueToSplitLine( lineIndex, lines, splitLine )
def setButtonFontWeightString( button, isBold ):
"Set button font weight given isBold."
weightString = 'normal'
if isBold:
weightString = 'bold'
splitFont = button[ 'font' ].split()
button[ 'font' ] = ( splitFont[ 0 ], splitFont[ 1 ], weightString )
def setEntryText( entry, value ):
"Set the entry text."
if entry == None:
entry.delete( 0, Tkinter.END )
entry.insert( 0, str( value ) )
def setIntegerValueToString( integerSetting, valueString ):
"Set the integer to the string."
dotIndex = valueString.find( '.' )
if dotIndex > - 1:
valueString = valueString[ : dotIndex ]
integerSetting.value = int( valueString )
print( 'Warning, can not read integer ' + integerSetting.name + ' ' + valueString )
print( 'Will try reading as a boolean, which might be a mistake.' )
integerSetting.value = 0
if valueString.lower() == 'true':
integerSetting.value = 1
def setSpinColor( setting ):
"Set the spin box color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher."
if setting.entry == None:
if setting.backgroundColor == None:
setting.backgroundColor = setting.entry[ 'background' ]
if setting.backgroundColor[ 0 ] != '#':
setting.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'
setting.colorWidth = len( setting.backgroundColor ) / 3
setting.grey = int( setting.backgroundColor[ 1 : 1 + setting.colorWidth ], 16 )
setting.white = int( 'f' * setting.colorWidth, 16 )
if abs( setting.value - setting.defaultValue ) < 0.02 * setting.width:
setting.entry[ 'background' ] = setting.backgroundColor
difference = setting.value - setting.defaultValue
if difference > 0.0:
wayLength = setting.to - setting.defaultValue
setting.entry[ 'background' ] = getAlongWayHexadecimalColor( setting.grey, setting.colorWidth, difference, ( 0, setting.white, setting.white ), wayLength )
wayLength = setting.from_ - setting.defaultValue
setting.entry[ 'background' ] = getAlongWayHexadecimalColor( setting.grey, setting.colorWidth, difference, ( setting.white, setting.white, 0 ), wayLength )
def startMainLoopFromConstructor( repository ):
"Display the repository dialog and start the main loop."
getDisplayedDialogFromConstructor( repository ).root.mainloop()
def updateProfileSaveListeners():
"Call the save function of all the update profile save listeners."
global globalProfileSaveListenerListTable
for globalProfileSaveListener in euclidean.getListTableElements( globalProfileSaveListenerListTable ):
def writeValueListToArchiveWriter( archiveWriter, setting ):
"Write tab separated name and list to the archive writer."
archiveWriter.write( setting.name )
for item in setting.value:
if item != '[]':
archiveWriter.write( globalSpreadsheetSeparator )
archiveWriter.write( item )
archiveWriter.write( '\n' )
def writeSettings( repository ):
"Write the settings to a file."
profilesDirectoryPath = getProfilesDirectoryPath( repository.baseName )
makeDirectory( os.path.dirname( profilesDirectoryPath ) )
gcodec.writeFileText( profilesDirectoryPath, getArchiveText( repository ) )
def writeSettingsPrintMessage( repository ):
"Set the settings to the dialog then write them."
writeSettings( repository )
print( repository.title.lower().capitalize() + ' have been saved.' )
class AddProfile:
"A class to add a profile."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.entry = Tkinter.Entry( gridPosition.master )
self.entry.bind( '', self.addSelectionWithEvent )
self.entry.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 1, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W )
self.addButton = Tkinter.Button( gridPosition.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = 'Add Profile', command = self.addSelection )
self.addButton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0 )
def addSelection( self ):
"Add the selection of a listbox setting."
entryText = self.entry.get()
if entryText == '':
print( 'To add to the profiles, enter the material name.' )
if entryText in self.profileListboxSetting.listSetting.value:
print( 'There is already a profile by the name of %s, so no profile will be added.' % entryText )
self.entry.delete( 0, Tkinter.END )
craftTypeProfileDirectory = getProfilesDirectoryPath( self.profileListboxSetting.listSetting.craftTypeName )
destinationDirectory = os.path.join( craftTypeProfileDirectory, entryText )
shutil.copytree( self.profileListboxSetting.getSelectedFolder(), destinationDirectory )
self.profileListboxSetting.value = entryText
def addSelectionWithEvent( self, event ):
"Add the selection of a listbox setting, given an event."
def getFromProfileListboxSettingRepository( self, profileListboxSetting, repository ):
self.profileListboxSetting = profileListboxSetting
self.repository = repository
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
return self
class StringSetting:
"A class to display, read & write a string."
def __init__( self ):
"Set the update function to none."
self.entry = None
self.updateFunction = None
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.label = Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master, text = self.name )
self.label.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W )
self.createEntry( gridPosition.master )
self.entry.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 3, columnspan = 2, sticky = Tkinter.W )
LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master, self.name, self.label )
def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Do nothing because this should only be added to a frameable repository menu."
def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the frameable repository menu."
titleFromName = getTitleFromName( self.name )
helpWindowMenu = Tkinter.Menu( repositoryMenu, tearoff = 0 )
repositoryMenu.add_cascade( label = titleFromName, menu = helpWindowMenu, underline = 0 )
if self.name in self.repository.frameList.value:
helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Remove from Window', command = self.removeFromWindow )
helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Add to Window', command = self.addToWindow )
helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Help', command = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( self.repository.fileNameHelp + '#' + titleFromName ) )
def addToWindow( self ):
"Add this to the repository frame list."
self.repository.frameList.addToList( self.name )
def bindEntry( self ):
"Bind the entry to the update function."
if self.updateFunction != None:
self.entry.bind( '', self.updateFunction )
def createEntry( self, root ):
"Create the entry."
self.entry = Tkinter.Entry( root )
def getFromValue( self, name, repository, value ):
return self.getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( name, repository, value )
def getFromValueOnly( self, name, repository, value ):
self.defaultValue = value
self.name = name
self.repository = repository
self.value = value
return self
def getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( self, name, repository, value ):
repository.archive.append( self )
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
repository.menuEntities.append( self )
return self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value )
def removeFromWindow( self ):
"Remove this from the repository frame list."
self.repository.frameList.removeFromList( self.name )
def setStateToValue( self ):
"Set the entry to the value."
setEntryText( self.entry, self.value )
def setToDisplay( self ):
"Set the string to the entry field."
valueString = self.entry.get()
self.setValueToString( valueString )
def setUpdateFunction( self, updateFunction ):
"Set the update function."
self.updateFunction = updateFunction
def setValueToSplitLine( self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine ):
"Set the value to the second word of a split line."
self.setValueToString( splitLine[ 1 ] )
def setValueToString( self, valueString ):
"Set the value to the value string."
self.value = valueString
def writeToArchiveWriter( self, archiveWriter ):
"Write tab separated name and value to the archive writer."
archiveWriter.write( '%s%s%s\n' % ( self.name, globalSpreadsheetSeparator, self.value ) )
class BooleanSetting( StringSetting ):
"A class to display, read & write a boolean."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.checkbutton = Tkinter.Checkbutton( gridPosition.master, command = self.toggleCheckbutton, text = self.name )
#toggleCheckbutton is being used instead of a Tkinter IntVar because there is a weird bug where it doesn't work properly if this setting is not on the first window.
self.checkbutton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, columnspan = 5, sticky = Tkinter.W )
LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master, self.name, self.checkbutton )
def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the repository menu."
self.activateToggleMenuCheckbutton = False
#activateToggleMenuCheckbutton is being used instead of setting command after because add_checkbutton does not return a checkbutton.
repositoryMenu.add_checkbutton( label = getTitleFromName( self.name ), command = self.toggleMenuCheckbutton )
if self.value:
repositoryMenu.invoke( repositoryMenu.index( Tkinter.END ) )
self.activateToggleMenuCheckbutton = True
def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the frameable repository menu."
titleFromName = getTitleFromName( self.name )
helpWindowMenu = Tkinter.Menu( repositoryMenu, tearoff = 0 )
repositoryMenu.add_cascade( label = titleFromName, menu = helpWindowMenu, underline = 0 )
self.addToMenu( helpWindowMenu )
helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Help', command = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( self.repository.fileNameHelp + '#' + titleFromName ) )
def setStateToValue( self ):
"Set the checkbutton to the boolean."
if self.value:
def setToDisplay( self ):
"Do nothing because toggleCheckbutton is handling the value."
def setValueToString( self, valueString ):
"Set the boolean to the string."
self.value = ( valueString.lower() == 'true' )
def toggleCheckbutton( self ):
"Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value."
self.value = not self.value
if self.updateFunction != None:
def toggleMenuCheckbutton( self ):
"Workaround for Tkinter bug, toggle the value."
if self.activateToggleMenuCheckbutton:
self.value = not self.value
if self.updateFunction != None:
class CloseListener:
"A class to listen to link a window to the global repository dialog list table."
def __init__( self, window, closeFunction = None ):
"Add the window to the global repository dialog list table."
self.closeFunction = closeFunction
self.window = window
self.shouldWasClosedBeBound = True
global globalRepositoryDialogListTable
addElementToListTableIfNotThere( window, window, globalRepositoryDialogListTable )
def listenToWidget( self, widget ):
"Listen to the destroy message of the widget."
if self.shouldWasClosedBeBound:
self.shouldWasClosedBeBound = False
widget.bind( '', self.wasClosed )
def wasClosed( self, event ):
"The dialog was closed."
global globalCloseListTables
for globalCloseListTable in globalCloseListTables:
if self.window in globalCloseListTable:
del globalCloseListTable[ self.window ]
if self.closeFunction != None:
class DeleteProfile( AddProfile ):
"A class to delete the selection of a listbox profile."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.deleteButton = Tkinter.Button( gridPosition.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = "Delete Profile", command = self.deleteSelection )
self.deleteButton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0 )
def deleteSelection( self ):
"Delete the selection of a listbox setting."
DeleteProfileDialog( self.profileListboxSetting, Tkinter.Tk() )
class DeleteProfileDialog:
def __init__( self, profileListboxSetting, root ):
"Display a delete dialog."
self.profileListboxSetting = profileListboxSetting
self.root = root
self.row = 0
root.title( 'Delete Warning' )
self.label = Tkinter.Label( self.root, text = 'Do you want to delete the profile?' )
self.label.grid( row = self.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W )
columnIndex = 1
deleteButton = Tkinter.Button( root, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'red', command = self.delete, fg = 'red', text = 'Delete' )
deleteButton.grid( row = self.row, column = columnIndex )
columnIndex += 1
noButton = Tkinter.Button( root, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'darkgreen', command = self.no, fg = 'darkgreen', text = 'Do Nothing' )
noButton.grid( row = self.row, column = columnIndex )
def delete( self ):
"Delete the selection of a listbox setting."
if self.profileListboxSetting.value not in self.profileListboxSetting.listSetting.value:
lastSelectionIndex = 0
currentSelectionTuple = self.profileListboxSetting.listbox.curselection()
if len( currentSelectionTuple ) > 0:
lastSelectionIndex = int( currentSelectionTuple[ 0 ] )
print( 'No profile is selected, so no profile will be deleted.' )
deleteDirectory( getProfilesDirectoryPath( self.profileListboxSetting.listSetting.craftTypeName ), self.profileListboxSetting.value )
deleteDirectory( getProfilesDirectoryInAboveDirectory( self.profileListboxSetting.listSetting.craftTypeName ), self.profileListboxSetting.value )
if len( self.profileListboxSetting.listSetting.value ) < 1:
defaultSettingsDirectory = getProfilesDirectoryPath( os.path.join( self.profileListboxSetting.listSetting.craftTypeName, self.profileListboxSetting.defaultValue ) )
makeDirectory( defaultSettingsDirectory )
lastSelectionIndex = min( lastSelectionIndex, len( self.profileListboxSetting.listSetting.value ) - 1 )
self.profileListboxSetting.value = self.profileListboxSetting.listSetting.value[ lastSelectionIndex ]
def no( self ):
"The dialog was closed."
class DisplayToolButton:
"A class to display the tool dialog button, in a two column wide table."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.displayButton = Tkinter.Button( gridPosition.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = getEachWordCapitalized( self.name ), command = self.displayDialog )
setButtonFontWeightString( self.displayButton, self.important )
gridPosition.incrementGivenNumberOfColumns( 2 )
self.displayButton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = gridPosition.column, columnspan = 2 )
def displayDialog( self ):
"Display function."
ToolDialog().getFromPath( self.path ).display()
def getFromPath( self, important, name, path, repository ):
self.important = important
self.name = name
self.path = path
self.repository = repository
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
return self
class FileHelpMenuBar:
def __init__( self, root ):
"Create a menu bar with a file and help menu."
self.underlineLetters = []
self.menuBar = Tkinter.Menu( root )
self.root = root
root.config( menu = self.menuBar )
self.fileMenu = Tkinter.Menu( self.menuBar, tearoff = 0 )
self.menuBar.add_cascade( label = "File", menu = self.fileMenu, underline = 0 )
self.underlineLetters.append( 'f' )
def addMenuToMenuBar( self, labelText, menu ):
"Add a menu to the menu bar."
lowerLabelText = labelText.lower()
for underlineLetterIndex in xrange( len( lowerLabelText ) ):
underlineLetter = lowerLabelText[ underlineLetterIndex ]
if underlineLetter not in self.underlineLetters:
self.underlineLetters.append( underlineLetter )
self.menuBar.add_cascade( label = labelText, menu = menu, underline = underlineLetterIndex )
self.menuBar.add_cascade( label = labelText, menu = menu )
def addPluginToMenuBar( self, modulePath, repository, window ):
"Add a menu to the menu bar from a tool."
pluginModule = gcodec.getModuleWithPath( modulePath )
if pluginModule == None:
print( 'this should never happen, pluginModule in addMenuToMenuBar in settings is None.' )
return None
repositoryMenu = Tkinter.Menu( self.menuBar, tearoff = 0 )
labelText = getEachWordCapitalized( os.path.basename( modulePath ) )
self.addMenuToMenuBar( labelText, repositoryMenu )
pluginModule.addToMenu( self.root, repositoryMenu, repository, window )
def completeMenu( self, closeFunction, repository, saveFunction, window ):
"Complete the menu."
self.closeFunction = closeFunction
self.saveFunction = saveFunction
addAcceleratorCommand( '', saveFunction, self.root, self.fileMenu, 'Save' )
self.fileMenu.add_command( label = "Save and Close", command = self.saveClose )
addAcceleratorCommand( '', closeFunction, self.root, self.fileMenu, 'Close' )
addAcceleratorCommand( '', quitWindows, self.root, self.fileMenu, 'Quit' )
skeinforgeToolsDirectoryPath = getSkeinforgeToolsDirectoryPath()
pluginFileNames = gcodec.getPluginFileNamesFromDirectoryPath( skeinforgeToolsDirectoryPath )
for pluginFileName in pluginFileNames:
self.addPluginToMenuBar( os.path.join( skeinforgeToolsDirectoryPath, pluginFileName ), repository, window )
def saveClose( self ):
"Call the save function then the close function."
class FileNameInput( StringSetting ):
"A class to display, read & write a fileName."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.gridPosition = gridPosition
gridPosition.executables.append( self )
def execute( self ):
"Open the file picker."
self.wasCancelled = False
parent = self.gridPosition.master
import tkFileDialog
summarized = gcodec.getSummarizedFileName( self.value )
initialDirectory = os.path.dirname( summarized )
if len( initialDirectory ) > 0:
initialDirectory += os.sep
initialDirectory = "."
fileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( filetypes = self.getFileNameFirstTypes(), initialdir = initialDirectory, initialfile = os.path.basename( summarized ), parent = parent, title = self.name )
self.setCancelledValue( fileName )
print( 'Could not get the old directory in settings, so the file picker will be opened in the default directory.' )
fileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( filetypes = self.getFileNameFirstTypes(), initialdir = '.', initialfile = '', parent = parent, title = self.name )
self.setCancelledValue( fileName )
print( 'Error in execute in FileName in settings, ' + self.name )
def getFileNameFirstTypes( self ):
"Get the file types with the file type of the fileName moved to the front of the list."
basename = os.path.basename( self.value )
splitFile = basename.split( '.' )
allFiles = [ ( 'All', '*.*' ) ]
allReadables = []
if len( self.fileTypes ) > 1:
for fileType in self.fileTypes:
allReadable = ( ( 'All Readable', fileType[ 1 ] ) )
allReadables.append( allReadable )
if len( splitFile ) < 1:
return self.fileTypes + allReadables + allFiles
baseExtension = splitFile[ - 1 ]
for fileType in self.fileTypes:
fileExtension = fileType[ 1 ].split( '.' )[ - 1 ]
if fileExtension == baseExtension:
fileNameFirstTypes = self.fileTypes[ : ]
fileNameFirstTypes.remove( fileType )
return [ fileType ] + fileNameFirstTypes + allReadables + allFiles
return self.fileTypes + allReadables + allFiles
return allFiles
def getFromFileName( self, fileTypes, name, repository, value ):
self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value )
self.fileTypes = fileTypes
repository.archive.append( self )
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
return self
def setCancelledValue( self, fileName ):
"Set the value to the file name and wasCancelled true if a file was not picked."
if ( str( fileName ) == '()' or str( fileName ) == '' ):
self.wasCancelled = True
self.value = fileName
def setToDisplay( self ):
"Do nothing because the file dialog is handling the value."
class FloatSetting( StringSetting ):
"A class to display, read & write a float."
def setValueToString( self, valueString ):
"Set the float to the string."
self.value = float( valueString )
print( 'Oops, can not read float' + self.name + ' ' + valueString )
class FloatSpin( FloatSetting ):
"A class to display, read & write an float in a spin box."
def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the frameable repository menu."
titleFromName = getTitleFromName( self.name )
helpWindowMenu = Tkinter.Menu( repositoryMenu, tearoff = 0 )
repositoryMenu.add_cascade( label = titleFromName, menu = helpWindowMenu, underline = 0 )
if self.name in self.repository.frameList.value:
helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Remove from Window', command = self.removeFromWindow )
helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Add to Window', command = self.addToWindow )
changeString = ' by %s' % self.increment
helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Increase' + changeString, command = self.increase )
helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Decrease' + changeString, command = self.decrease )
helpWindowMenu.add_command( label = 'Help', command = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( self.repository.fileNameHelp + '#' + titleFromName ) )
def bindEntry( self ):
"Bind the entry to the update function."
self.entry.bind( '', self.entryUpdated )
def createEntry( self, root ):
"Create the entry."
self.entry = Tkinter.Spinbox( root, command = self.setColorToDisplay, from_ = self.from_, increment = self.increment, to = self.to )
def decrease( self ):
"Decrease the value then set the state and color to the value."
self.value -= self.increment
def entryUpdated( self, event = None ):
"Create the entry."
if self.updateFunction != None:
self.updateFunction( event )
def getFromValue( self, from_, name, repository, to, value ):
self.backgroundColor = None
self.from_ = from_
self.width = to - from_
rank = euclidean.getRank( 0.05 * self.width )
self.increment = euclidean.getIncrementFromRank( rank )
self.to = to
return self.getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( name, repository, value )
def increase( self ):
"Increase the value then set the state and color to the value."
self.value += self.increment
def setColor( self, event = None ):
"Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher."
setSpinColor( self )
def setColorToDisplay( self, event = None ):
"Set the color to the value, yellow if it is lower than the default and blue if it is higher."
def setStateToValue( self ):
"Set the entry to the value."
setEntryText( self.entry, self.value )
def setStateUpdateColor( self ):
"Set the state to the value, call the update function, then set the color."
if self.updateFunction != None:
class FloatSpinNotOnMenu( FloatSpin ):
"A class to display, read & write an float in a spin box, which is not to be added to a menu."
def getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( self, name, repository, value ):
repository.archive.append( self )
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
return self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value )
class FloatSpinUpdate( FloatSpin ):
"A class to display, read, update & write an float in a spin box."
def createEntry( self, root ):
"Create the entry."
self.entry = Tkinter.Spinbox( root, command = self.entryUpdated, from_ = self.from_, increment = self.increment, to = self.to )
class FrameList:
"A class to list the frames."
def addToList( self, word ):
"Add the word to the sorted list."
self.value.append( word )
def getFromValue( self, name, repository, value ):
repository.archive.append( self )
self.name = name
self.repository = repository
self.value = value
return self
def removeFromList( self, word ):
"Remove the word from the sorted list."
self.value.remove( word )
def setToDisplay( self ):
"Do nothing because frame list does not have a display."
def setValueToSplitLine( self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine ):
"Set the value to the second and later words of a split line."
self.value = splitLine[ 1 : ]
def writeToArchiveWriter( self, archiveWriter ):
"Write tab separated name and list to the archive writer."
writeValueListToArchiveWriter( archiveWriter, self )
class GridHorizontal:
"A class to place elements horizontally on a grid."
def __init__( self, column, row ):
"Initialize the column and row."
self.column = column
self.columnStart = column
self.row = row
def getCopy( self ):
"Get a copy."
copy = GridHorizontal( self.column, self.row )
copy.columnStart = self.columnStart
return copy
def increment( self ):
"Increment the position horizontally."
self.column += 1
class GridVertical:
"A class to place elements vertically on a grid."
def __init__( self, column, row ):
"Initialize the column and row."
self.column = column
self.columnOffset = column
self.columnStart = column
self.row = row
self.rowStart = row
def execute( self ):
"The execute button was clicked."
for executable in self.executables:
saveRepository( self.repository )
def getCopy( self ):
"Get a copy."
copy = GridVertical( self.column, self.row )
copy.columnOffset = self.columnOffset
copy.columnStart = self.columnStart
copy.rowStart = self.rowStart
return copy
def increment( self ):
"Increment the position vertically."
self.column = self.columnStart
self.columnOffset = self.columnStart
self.row += 1
def incrementGivenNumberOfColumns( self, numberOfColumns ):
"Increment the position vertically and offset it horizontally by the given number of columns."
self.column = self.columnOffset
if self.columnOffset == self.columnStart:
self.columnOffset = self.columnStart + 1
self.row += 1
if self.columnOffset < self.columnStart + numberOfColumns - 1:
self.columnOffset += 1
self.columnOffset = self.columnStart
def setExecutablesRepository( self, repository ):
"Set the executables to an empty list and set the repository."
self.executables = []
self.repository = repository
class HelpPage:
"A class to open a help page."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.displayButton = Tkinter.Button( gridPosition.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = getEachWordCapitalized( self.name ), command = self.openPage )
self.displayButton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 3, columnspan = 2 )
def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the repository menu."
repositoryMenu.add_command( label = getTitleFromName( self.name ), command = self.openPage )
def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the frameable repository menu."
self.addToMenu( repositoryMenu )
def getFromNameAfterHTTP( self, afterHTTP, name, repository ):
self.setToNameRepository( name, repository )
self.hypertextAddress = 'http://' + afterHTTP
return self
def getFromNameAfterWWW( self, afterWWW, name, repository ):
self.setToNameRepository( name, repository )
self.hypertextAddress = 'http://www.' + afterWWW
return self
def getFromNameSubName( self, name, repository, subName = '' ):
self.setToNameRepository( name, repository )
self.hypertextAddress = getDocumentationPath( subName )
return self
def getOpenFromAbsolute( self, hypertextAddress ):
"Get the open help page function from the hypertext address."
self.hypertextAddress = hypertextAddress
return self.openPage
def getOpenFromAfterHTTP( self, afterHTTP ):
"Get the open help page function from the part of the address after the HTTP."
self.hypertextAddress = 'http://' + afterHTTP
return self.openPage
def getOpenFromAfterWWW( self, afterWWW ):
"Get the open help page function from the afterWWW of the address after the www."
self.hypertextAddress = 'http://www.' + afterWWW
return self.openPage
def getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( self, subName = '' ):
"Get the open help page function from the afterWWW of the address after the www."
self.hypertextAddress = getDocumentationPath( subName )
return self.openPage
def openPage( self, event = None ):
"Open the browser to the hypertext address."
openWebPage( self.hypertextAddress )
def setToNameRepository( self, name, repository ):
"Set to the name and repository."
self.name = name
self.repository = repository
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
repository.menuEntities.append( self )
class HelpPageRepository:
"A class to open a repository help page."
def __init__( self, repository ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.repository = repository
def openPage( self, event = None ):
"Open the browser to the repository help page."
if self.repository.openWikiManualHelpPage == None:
from skeinforge_tools import help
helpRepository = getReadRepository( help.HelpRepository() )
if helpRepository.wikiManualPrimary.value:
class HiddenScrollbar( Tkinter.Scrollbar ):
"A class to hide the scrollbar if it is not needed."
def set( self, lo, hi ):
"Add to grid is needed, remove if not."
if float( lo ) <= 0.0 and float( hi ) >= 1.0:
self.tk.call( 'grid', 'remove', self )
Tkinter.Scrollbar.set( self, lo, hi )
class IntSetting( FloatSetting ):
"A class to display, read & write an int."
def setValueToString( self, valueString ):
"Set the integer to the string."
setIntegerValueToString( self, valueString )
class IntSpin( FloatSpin ):
"A class to display, read & write an int in a spin box."
def getFromValue( self, from_, name, repository, to, value ):
self.backgroundColor = None
self.from_ = from_
self.width = to - from_
rank = euclidean.getRank( 0.05 * self.width )
self.increment = max( 1, int( euclidean.getIncrementFromRank( rank ) ) )
self.to = to
return self.getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( name, repository, value )
def getSingleIncrementFromValue( self, from_, name, repository, to, value ):
self.backgroundColor = None
self.from_ = from_
self.width = to - from_
self.increment = 1
self.to = to
return self.getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( name, repository, value )
def setValueToString( self, valueString ):
"Set the integer to the string."
setIntegerValueToString( self, valueString )
class IntSpinNotOnMenu( IntSpin ):
"A class to display, read & write an integer in a spin box, which is not to be added to a menu."
def getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( self, name, repository, value ):
repository.archive.append( self )
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
return self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value )
class IntSpinUpdate( IntSpin ):
"A class to display, read, update & write an int in a spin box."
def createEntry( self, root ):
"Create the entry."
self.entry = Tkinter.Spinbox( root, command = self.entryUpdated, from_ = self.from_, increment = self.increment, to = self.to )
class LabelDisplay:
"A class to add a label."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.label = Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master, text = self.name )
self.label.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W )
LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master, self.name, self.label )
def getFromName( self, name, repository ):
self.name = name
self.repository = repository
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
return self
class LabelHelp:
"A class to add help to a widget."
def __init__( self, fileNameHelp, master, name, widget ):
"Add menu to the widget."
if len( name ) < 1:
self.popupMenu = Tkinter.Menu( master, tearoff = 0 )
titleFromName = getTitleFromName( name.replace( '- ', '' ).replace( ' -', '' ) )
self.popupMenu.add_command( label = 'Help', command = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( fileNameHelp + '#' + titleFromName ) )
widget.bind( '', self.unpostPopupMenu )
widget.bind( '', self.unpostPopupMenu )
widget.bind( '', self.displayPopupMenu )
def unpostPopupMenu( self, event = None ):
'Unpost the popup menu.'
def displayPopupMenu( self, event = None ):
'Display the popup menu when the button is right clicked.'
self.popupMenu.tk_popup( event.x_root + 30, event.y_root, 0 )
class LabelSeparator:
"A class to add a label and menu separator."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.label = Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master, text = '' )
self.label.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W )
def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the repository menu."
def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the frameable repository menu."
self.addToMenu( repositoryMenu )
def getFromRepository( self, repository ):
self.repository = repository
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
repository.menuEntities.append( self )
return self
class LatentStringVar:
"A class to provide a StringVar when needed."
def __init__( self ):
"Set the string var."
self.stringVar = None
def getVar( self ):
"Get the string var."
if self.stringVar == None:
self.stringVar = Tkinter.StringVar()
return self.stringVar
def getString( self ):
"Get the string."
return self.getVar().get()
def setString( self, word ):
"Set the string."
self.getVar().set( word )
class MenuButtonDisplay:
"A class to add a menu button."
def addRadiosToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add the menu radios to the dialog."
for menuRadio in self.menuRadios:
menuRadio.addToDialog( gridPosition )
def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the repository menu."
if len( self.menuRadios ) < 1:
print( 'The MenuButtonDisplay in settings should have menu items.' )
print( self.name )
self.menu = Tkinter.Menu( repositoryMenu, tearoff = 0 )
repositoryMenu.add_cascade( label = getTitleFromName( self.name ), menu = self.menu )
self.setRadioVarToName( self.menuRadios[ 0 ].name )
def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the frameable repository menu."
titleFromName = getTitleFromName( self.name )
self.addToMenu( repositoryMenu )
self.menu.add_command( label = 'Help', command = HelpPage().getOpenFromDocumentationSubName( self.repository.fileNameHelp + '#' + titleFromName ) )
def getFromName( self, name, repository ):
self.menuRadios = []
self.name = name
self.radioVar = None
self.repository = repository
repository.menuEntities.append( self )
return self
def removeMenus( self ):
"Remove all menus."
deleteMenuItems( self.menu )
self.menuRadios = []
def setRadioVarToName( self, name ):
"Get the menu button."
self.optionList = [ name ]
self.radioVar = Tkinter.StringVar()
self.radioVar.set( self.optionList[ 0 ] )
def setToNameAddToDialog( self, name, gridPosition ):
"Get the menu button."
if self.radioVar != None:
self.setRadioVarToName( name )
self.label = Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master, text = self.name )
self.label.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W )
self.menuButton = Tkinter.OptionMenu( gridPosition.master, self.radioVar, self.optionList )
self.menuButton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 3, columnspan = 2, sticky = Tkinter.W )
self.menuButton.menu = Tkinter.Menu( self.menuButton, tearoff = 0 )
self.menu = self.menuButton.menu
self.menuButton[ 'menu' ] = self.menu
LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master, self.name, self.label )
class MenuRadio( BooleanSetting ):
"A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated menu radio button."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.menuButtonDisplay.setToNameAddToDialog( self.name, gridPosition )
def addToMenu( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the submenu set by MenuButtonDisplay, the repository menu is ignored"
def addToMenuFrameable( self, repositoryMenu ):
"Add this to the frameable repository menu."
self.addToMenu( repositoryMenu )
def addToSubmenu( self ):
"Add this to the submenu."
self.activate = False
menu = self.menuButtonDisplay.menu
menu.add_radiobutton( label = self.name, command = self.clickRadio, value = self.name, variable = self.menuButtonDisplay.radioVar )
self.menuLength = menu.index( Tkinter.END )
if self.value:
self.menuButtonDisplay.radioVar.set( self.name )
self.activate = True
def clickRadio( self ):
"Workaround for Tkinter bug, invoke and set the value when clicked."
if not self.activate:
self.menuButtonDisplay.radioVar.set( self.name )
if self.updateFunction != None:
def getFromMenuButtonDisplay( self, menuButtonDisplay, name, repository, value ):
self.getFromValueOnlyAddToRepository( name, repository, value )
self.menuButtonDisplay = menuButtonDisplay
self.menuButtonDisplay.menuRadios.append( self )
return self
def invoke( self ):
"Workaround for Tkinter bug, invoke to set the value when changed."
self.menuButtonDisplay.menu.invoke( self.menuLength )
def setStateToValue( self ):
"Set the checkbutton to the boolean."
if self.value:
def setToDisplay( self ):
"Set the boolean to the checkbutton."
if self.menuButtonDisplay.radioVar != None:
self.value = ( self.menuButtonDisplay.radioVar.get() == self.name )
class PluginFrame:
"A class to list the profiles."
def __init__( self ):
"Set the radio."
self.gridTable = {}
self.latentStringVar = LatentStringVar()
self.oldLatentString = ''
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.gridPosition = gridPosition.getCopy()
self.gridPosition.master = gridPosition.master
self.createFrame( gridPosition )
def createFrame( self, gridPosition ):
"Create the frame."
gridVertical = GridVertical( 0, 0 )
gridVertical.master = Tkinter.LabelFrame( gridPosition.master, borderwidth = 3, relief = 'raised' )
gridVertical.master.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = gridPosition.column, columnspan = 10, sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W + Tkinter.N + Tkinter.S )
gridPosition.master.grid_rowconfigure( gridPosition.row, weight = 1 )
gridPosition.master.grid_columnconfigure( gridPosition.column + 9, weight = 1 )
if self.latentStringVar.getString() == '':
self.gridTable[ self.latentStringVar.getString() ] = gridVertical
path = os.path.join( self.directoryPath, self.latentStringVar.getString() )
pluginModule = gcodec.getModuleWithPath( path )
if pluginModule == None:
print( 'this should never happen, pluginModule in addToDialog in PluginFrame in settings is None' )
print( path )
gridVertical.repository = getReadRepository( pluginModule.getNewRepository() )
gridVertical.frameGridVertical = GridVertical( 0, 0 )
gridVertical.frameGridVertical.setExecutablesRepository( gridVertical.repository )
executeTitle = gridVertical.repository.executeTitle
if executeTitle != None:
executeButton = Tkinter.Button( gridVertical.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'blue', text = executeTitle, command = gridVertical.frameGridVertical.execute )
executeButton.grid( row = gridVertical.row, column = gridVertical.column )
gridVertical.column += 1
self.helpButton = Tkinter.Button( gridVertical.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = "?", command = HelpPageRepository( gridVertical.repository ).openPage )
self.helpButton.grid( row = gridVertical.row, column = gridVertical.column )
addEmptyRow( gridVertical )
gridVertical.xScrollbar = HiddenScrollbar( gridVertical.master, orient = Tkinter.HORIZONTAL )
gridVertical.xScrollbar.grid( row = gridVertical.row + 1, column = gridVertical.column, columnspan = 10, sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W )
gridVertical.yScrollbar = HiddenScrollbar( gridVertical.master )
gridVertical.yScrollbar.grid( row = gridVertical.row, column = gridVertical.column + 11, sticky = Tkinter.N + Tkinter.S )
canvasHeight = min( 1000, gridPosition.master.winfo_screenheight() - 400 ) - 6 - int( gridVertical.xScrollbar[ 'width' ] )
canvasWidth = min( 650, gridPosition.master.winfo_screenwidth() - 100 ) - 6 - int( gridVertical.yScrollbar[ 'width' ] )
gridVertical.canvas = Tkinter.Canvas( gridVertical.master, height = canvasHeight, highlightthickness = 0, width = canvasWidth )
gridVertical.frameGridVertical.master = Tkinter.Frame( gridVertical.canvas )
for setting in gridVertical.repository.displayEntities:
setting.addToDialog( gridVertical.frameGridVertical )
gridVertical.xScrollbar.config( command = gridVertical.canvas.xview )
gridVertical.canvas[ 'xscrollcommand' ] = gridVertical.xScrollbar.set
gridVertical.yScrollbar.config( command = gridVertical.canvas.yview )
gridVertical.canvas[ 'yscrollcommand' ] = gridVertical.yScrollbar.set
gridVertical.canvas.create_window( 0, 0, anchor = Tkinter.NW, window = gridVertical.frameGridVertical.master )
gridVertical.canvas[ 'scrollregion' ] = gridVertical.frameGridVertical.master.grid_bbox()
gridVertical.canvas.grid( row = gridVertical.row, column = gridVertical.column, columnspan = 10, sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W + Tkinter.N + Tkinter.S )
gridVertical.master.grid_rowconfigure( gridVertical.row, weight = 1 )
gridVertical.master.grid_columnconfigure( gridVertical.column + 9, weight = 1 )
self.oldLatentString = self.latentStringVar.getString()
def getFromPath( self, defaultRadioButton, directoryPath, repository ):
self.defaultRadioButton = defaultRadioButton
self.directoryPath = directoryPath
self.name = 'PluginFrame'
self.repository = repository
repository.archive.append( self )
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
return self
def setStateToValue( self ):
"Set the state of all the plugins to the value."
for gridTableValue in self.gridTable.values():
cancelRepository( gridTableValue.repository )
def setToDisplay( self ):
"Set the plugins to the display."
def update( self ):
"Update the frame."
if self.oldLatentString == self.latentStringVar.getString():
self.oldLatentString = self.latentStringVar.getString()
self.repository.archive.remove( self )
for setting in self.repository.archive:
writeSettingsPrintMessage( self.repository )
self.repository.archive.append( self )
if self.latentStringVar.getString() in self.gridTable:
gridPosition = self.gridTable[ self.latentStringVar.getString() ]
self.createFrame( self.gridPosition )
def writeToArchiveWriter( self, archiveWriter ):
"Write tab separated name and value to the archive writer."
gridTableKeys = self.gridTable.keys()
for gridTableKey in gridTableKeys:
saveRepository( self.gridTable[ gridTableKey ].repository )
class ProfileList:
"A class to list the profiles."
def getFromName( self, name, repository ):
self.craftTypeName = repository.lowerName
self.name = name
self.repository = repository
return self
def setValueToFolders( self ):
"Set the value to the folders in the profiles directories."
self.value = getFolders( getProfilesDirectoryPath( self.craftTypeName ) )
defaultFolders = getFolders( getProfilesDirectoryInAboveDirectory( self.craftTypeName ) )
for defaultFolder in defaultFolders:
if defaultFolder not in self.value:
self.value.append( defaultFolder )
class ProfileListboxSetting( StringSetting ):
"A class to handle the profile listbox."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.root = gridPosition.master
scrollbar = HiddenScrollbar( gridPosition.master )
self.listbox = Tkinter.Listbox( gridPosition.master, selectmode = Tkinter.SINGLE, yscrollcommand = scrollbar.set )
self.listbox.bind( '', self.buttonReleaseOne )
gridPosition.master.bind( '', self.focusIn )
scrollbar.config( command = self.listbox.yview )
self.listbox.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, sticky = Tkinter.N + Tkinter.S )
scrollbar.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 1, sticky = Tkinter.N + Tkinter.S )
self.repository.saveListenerTable[ 'updateProfileSaveListeners' ] = updateProfileSaveListeners
def buttonReleaseOne( self, event ):
"Button one released."
self.setValueToIndex( self.listbox.nearest( event.y ) )
def focusIn( self, event ):
"The root has gained focus."
getReadRepository( self.repository )
def getFromListSetting( self, listSetting, name, repository, value ):
self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value )
self.listSetting = listSetting
repository.archive.append( self )
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
return self
def getSelectedFolder( self ):
"Get the selected folder."
settingProfileSubfolder = getSubfolderWithBasename( self.value, getProfilesDirectoryPath( self.listSetting.craftTypeName ) )
if settingProfileSubfolder != None:
return settingProfileSubfolder
toolProfileSubfolder = getSubfolderWithBasename( self.value, getProfilesDirectoryInAboveDirectory( self.listSetting.craftTypeName ) )
return toolProfileSubfolder
def setStateToValue( self ):
"Set the listbox items to the list setting."
self.listbox.delete( 0, Tkinter.END )
for item in self.listSetting.value:
self.listbox.insert( Tkinter.END, item )
if self.value == item:
self.listbox.select_set( Tkinter.END )
def setToDisplay( self ):
"Set the selection value to the listbox selection."
currentSelectionTuple = self.listbox.curselection()
if len( currentSelectionTuple ) > 0:
self.setValueToIndex( int( currentSelectionTuple[ 0 ] ) )
def setValueToIndex( self, index ):
"Set the selection value to the index."
valueString = self.listbox.get( index )
self.setValueToString( valueString )
def setValueToString( self, valueString ):
"Set the value to the value string."
self.value = valueString
if self.getSelectedFolder() == None:
self.value = self.defaultValue
if self.getSelectedFolder() == None:
if len( self.listSetting.value ) > 0:
self.value = self.listSetting.value[ 0 ]
class Radio( BooleanSetting ):
"A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.createRadioButton( gridPosition )
self.radiobutton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W )
def clickRadio( self ):
"Workaround for Tkinter bug, set the value."
self.latentStringVar.setString( self.radiobutton[ 'value' ] )
if self.updateFunction != None:
def createRadioButton( self, gridPosition ):
"Create the radio button."
self.radiobutton = Tkinter.Radiobutton( gridPosition.master, command = self.clickRadio, text = self.name, value = self.name, variable = self.latentStringVar.getVar() )
LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master, self.name, self.radiobutton )
def getFromRadio( self, latentStringVar, name, repository, value ):
self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value )
self.latentStringVar = latentStringVar
repository.archive.append( self )
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
#when addToMenu is added to this entity, the line below should be uncommented
# repository.menuEntities.append( self )
return self
def setToDisplay( self ):
"Set the boolean to the checkbutton."
self.value = ( self.latentStringVar.getString() == self.radiobutton[ 'value' ] )
def setSelect( self ):
"Set the int var and select the radio button."
self.latentStringVar.setString( self.radiobutton[ 'value' ] )
def setStateToValue( self ):
"Set the checkbutton to the boolean."
if self.value:
class RadioCapitalized( Radio ):
"A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button."
def createRadioButton( self, gridPosition ):
"Create the radio button."
capitalizedName = getEachWordCapitalized( self.name )
self.radiobutton = Tkinter.Radiobutton( gridPosition.master, command = self.clickRadio, text = capitalizedName, value = self.name, variable = self.latentStringVar.getVar() )
class RadioCapitalizedButton( Radio ):
"A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button."
def createRadioButton( self, gridPosition ):
"Create the radio button."
capitalizedName = getEachWordCapitalized( self.name )
self.radiobutton = Tkinter.Radiobutton( gridPosition.master, command = self.clickRadio, text = capitalizedName, value = self.name, variable = self.latentStringVar.getVar() )
self.displayButton = Tkinter.Button( gridPosition.master, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = capitalizedName, command = self.displayDialog )
self.displayButton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 3, columnspan = 2 )
def displayDialog( self ):
"Display function."
ToolDialog().getFromPath( self.path ).display()
def getFromPath( self, latentStringVar, name, path, repository, value ):
self.getFromRadio( latentStringVar, name, repository, value )
self.path = path
return self
class RadioPlugin( RadioCapitalized ):
"A class to display, read & write a boolean with associated radio button."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.createRadioButton( gridPosition )
self.radiobutton[ 'activebackground' ] = 'black'
self.radiobutton[ 'activeforeground' ] = 'white'
self.radiobutton[ 'selectcolor' ] = 'white'
self.radiobutton[ 'borderwidth' ] = 3
self.radiobutton[ 'indicatoron' ] = 0
setButtonFontWeightString( self.radiobutton, self.important )
self.incrementGridPosition( gridPosition )
def getFromRadio( self, important, latentStringVar, name, repository, value ):
self.important = important
return RadioCapitalized.getFromRadio( self, latentStringVar, name, repository, value )
def incrementGridPosition( self, gridPosition ):
"Increment the grid position."
gridPosition.incrementGivenNumberOfColumns( 8 )
self.radiobutton.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = gridPosition.column, sticky = Tkinter.W )
class TextSetting( StringSetting ):
"A class to display, read & write a text."
def __init__( self ):
"Set the update function to none."
self.tokenConversions = [
TokenConversion( 'carriageReturn', '\r' ),
TokenConversion( 'doubleQuote', '"' ),
TokenConversion( 'newline', '\n' ),
TokenConversion( 'semicolon', ';' ),
TokenConversion( 'singleQuote', "'" ),
TokenConversion( 'tab', '\t' ) ]
self.updateFunction = None
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
self.label = Tkinter.Label( gridPosition.master, text = self.name )
self.label.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = Tkinter.W )
self.entry = Tkinter.Text( gridPosition.master )
self.entry.grid( row = gridPosition.row, column = 0, columnspan = 5, sticky = Tkinter.W )
LabelHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp, gridPosition.master, self.name, self.label )
def getFromValue( self, name, repository, value ):
self.getFromValueOnly( name, repository, value )
repository.archive.append( self )
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
return self
def setToDisplay( self ):
"Set the string to the entry field."
valueString = self.entry.get( 1.0, Tkinter.END )
self.setValueToString( valueString )
def setStateToValue( self ):
"Set the entry to the value."
self.entry.delete( 1.0, Tkinter.END )
self.entry.insert( Tkinter.INSERT, self.value )
def setValueToSplitLine( self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine ):
"Set the value to the second word of a split line."
replacedValue = splitLine[ 1 ]
for tokenConversion in reversed( self.tokenConversions ):
replacedValue = tokenConversion.getTokenizedString( replacedValue )
self.setValueToString( replacedValue )
def writeToArchiveWriter( self, archiveWriter ):
"Write tab separated name and value to the archive writer."
replacedValue = self.value
for tokenConversion in self.tokenConversions:
replacedValue = tokenConversion.getNamedString( replacedValue )
archiveWriter.write( '%s%s%s\n' % ( self.name, globalSpreadsheetSeparator, replacedValue ) )
class TokenConversion:
"A class to convert tokens in a string."
def __init__( self, name = 'replaceToken', token = '___replaced___' ):
"Set the name and token."
self.replacedName = '___replaced___' + name
self.token = token
def getNamedString( self, text ):
"Get a string with the tokens changed to names."
return text.replace( self.token, self.replacedName )
def getTokenizedString( self, text ):
"Get a string with the names changed to tokens."
return text.replace( self.replacedName, self.token )
class ToolDialog:
"A class to display the tool repository dialog."
def addPluginToMenu( self, menu, path ):
"Add the display command to the menu."
name = os.path.basename( path )
self.path = path
menu.add_command( label = getEachWordCapitalized( name ) + '...', command = self.display )
def display( self ):
"Display the tool repository dialog."
global globalRepositoryDialogListTable
for repositoryDialog in globalRepositoryDialogListTable:
if getPathFromFileNameHelp( repositoryDialog.repository.fileNameHelp ) == self.path:
liftRepositoryDialogs( globalRepositoryDialogListTable[ repositoryDialog ] )
self.repositoryDialog = getDisplayedDialogFromPath( self.path )
def getFromPath( self, path ):
"Initialize and return display function."
self.path = path
return self
class WindowPosition( StringSetting ):
"A class to display, read & write a window position."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Set the root to later get the geometry."
self.root = gridPosition.master
def getFromValue( self, repository, value ):
self.getFromValueOnly( 'WindowPosition', repository, value )
repository.archive.append( self )
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
return self
def setToDisplay( self ):
"Set the string to the window position."
geometryString = self.root.geometry()
if geometryString == '1x1+0+0':
firstPlusIndexPlusOne = geometryString.find( '+' ) + 1
self.value = geometryString[ firstPlusIndexPlusOne : ]
def setWindowPosition( self ):
"Set the window position."
movedGeometryString = '%sx%s+%s' % ( self.root.winfo_reqwidth(), self.root.winfo_reqheight(), self.value )
self.root.geometry( movedGeometryString )
class WindowVisibilities:
"A class to read & write window visibilities and display them."
def addToDialog( self, gridPosition ):
"Add this to the dialog."
if self.repository.repositoryDialog == None:
self.isActive = False
self.isActive = self.repository.repositoryDialog.isFirst
if self.isActive:
self.repository.repositoryDialog.openDialogListeners.append( self )
def getFromRepository( self, repository ):
self.isActive = False
self.name = 'WindowVisibilities'
self.repository = repository
repository.archive.append( self )
repository.displayEntities.append( self )
self.value = []
return self
def openDialog( self ):
"Create the display button."
for item in self.value:
getDisplayedDialogFromPath( item )
def setToDisplay( self ):
"Set the string to the window position."
if not self.isActive:
self.value = []
ownPath = getPathFromFileNameHelp( self.repository.fileNameHelp )
for repositoryDialog in globalRepositoryDialogListTable.keys():
keyPath = getPathFromFileNameHelp( repositoryDialog.repository.fileNameHelp )
if keyPath != ownPath:
if keyPath not in self.value:
self.value.append( keyPath )
def setStateToValue( self ):
"Do nothing because the window visibility is not to be cancelled."
def setValueToSplitLine( self, lineIndex, lines, splitLine ):
"Set the value to the second and later words of a split line."
self.value = splitLine[ 1 : ]
def writeToArchiveWriter( self, archiveWriter ):
"Write tab separated name and list to the archive writer."
writeValueListToArchiveWriter( archiveWriter, self )
class RepositoryDialog:
def __init__( self, repository, root ):
"Add entities to the dialog."
self.isFirst = ( len( globalRepositoryDialogListTable.keys() ) == 0 )
self.closeListener = CloseListener( self )
self.repository = repository
self.gridPosition = GridVertical( 0, - 1 )
self.gridPosition.setExecutablesRepository( repository )
self.gridPosition.master = root
self.root = root
self.openDialogListeners = []
repository.repositoryDialog = self
title = repository.title
if repository.fileNameInput != None:
title = os.path.basename( repository.fileNameInput.value ) + ' - ' + title
root.title( title )
fileHelpMenuBar = FileHelpMenuBar( root )
fileHelpMenuBar.completeMenu( self.close, repository, self.save, self )
for setting in repository.displayEntities:
setting.addToDialog( self.gridPosition )
if self.gridPosition.row < 20:
addEmptyRow( self.gridPosition )
self.addButtons( repository, root )
for openDialogListener in self.openDialogListeners:
def __repr__( self ):
"Get the string representation of this RepositoryDialog."
return self.repository.title
def addButtons( self, repository, root ):
"Add buttons to the dialog."
columnIndex = 0
saveCommand = self.save
saveText = 'Save'
if self.isFirst:
saveCommand = self.saveAll
saveText = 'Save All'
if repository.executeTitle != None:
executeButton = Tkinter.Button( root, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'blue', text = repository.executeTitle, command = self.gridPosition.execute )
executeButton.grid( row = self.gridPosition.row, column = columnIndex )
columnIndex += 1
self.helpButton = Tkinter.Button( root, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'white', text = "?", command = HelpPageRepository( self.repository ).openPage )
self.helpButton.grid( row = self.gridPosition.row, column = columnIndex )
self.closeListener.listenToWidget( self.helpButton )
columnIndex += 5
cancelButton = Tkinter.Button( root, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'orange', command = self.cancel, fg = 'orange', text = 'Cancel' )
cancelButton.grid( row = self.gridPosition.row, column = columnIndex )
columnIndex += 1
self.saveButton = Tkinter.Button( root, activebackground = 'black', activeforeground = 'darkgreen', command = saveCommand, fg = 'darkgreen', text = saveText )
self.saveButton.grid( row = self.gridPosition.row, column = columnIndex )
def cancel( self, event = None ):
"Set all entities to their saved state."
cancelRepository( self.repository )
def close( self, event = None ):
"The dialog was closed."
def save( self, event = None ):
"Set the entities to the dialog then write them."
saveRepository( self.repository )
def saveAll( self ):
"Save all the dialogs."
global globalRepositoryDialogListTable
globalRepositoryDialogValues = euclidean.getListTableElements( globalRepositoryDialogListTable )
for globalRepositoryDialogValue in globalRepositoryDialogValues:
def setWindowPositionDeiconify( self ):
"Set the window position if that setting exists."
for setting in self.repository.archive:
if setting.name == 'WindowPosition':