#!/usr/bin/python import copy import re import sys import yaml import httplib import urllib from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup if len(sys.argv) == 0: exit() class Paper(yaml.YAMLObject): yaml_tag='!paper' def __init__(self, title="paper title goes here", journal_href="http://google.com/", potential_PDF_link="", cites_link="", cites_link_name="", diff_versions_link="", diff_versions_link_name="", related_papers_link="", view_as_html_link="", authors=[], publication="", pub_year="0001", server=""): self.title, self.journal_href, self.potential_PDF_link, self.cites_link, self.cites_link_name, self.diff_versions_link, self.diff_versions_link_name, self.related_papers_link, self.view_as_html_link, self.authors, self.publication, self.pub_year, self.server = title, journal_href, potential_PDF_link, cites_link, cites_link_name, diff_versions_link, diff_versions_link_name, related_papers_link, view_as_html_link, authors, publication, pub_year, server def __repr__(self): return "Paper(title=\"%s\", journal_href=\"%s\", potential_PDF_link=\"%s\", cites_link=\"%s\", cites_link_name=\"%s\", diff_versions_link=\"%s\", diff_versions_link_name=\"%s\", related_papers_link=\"%s\", view_as_html_link=\"%s\", authors=\"%s\", publication=\"%s\", pub_year=\"%s\", server=\"%s\")" % (self.title, self.journal_href, self.potential_PDF_link, self.cites_link, self.cites_link_name, self.diff_versions_link, self.diff_versions_link_name, self.related_papers_link, self.view_as_html_link, self.authors, self.publication, self.pub_year, self.server) SEARCH_HOST = "scholar.google.com" SEARCH_BASE_URL = "/scholar" terms = [sys.argv[1]] limit = 100 #10 params = urllib.urlencode({'q': "+".join(terms), 'num':limit}) headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US ; rv: Gecko/2009050519 Iceweasel/3.0.6 (Debian-3.0.6-1)'} url = SEARCH_BASE_URL + "?" + params conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(SEARCH_HOST) conn.request("GET", url, {}, headers) resp = conn.getresponse() status = resp.status #200 papers = [] if status==200: html = resp.read() #file2 = open("scholar.htm","r") #html = file2.read() #file2.close() results = [] html = html.decode('ascii', 'ignore') soup = BeautifulSoup(html) for record in soup('p'): potential_PDF_link = "" cluster_link = "" cluster_link_name = "" view_as_html_link = "" blah = record.find(name=re.compile("h3")) blah2 = record.find(name=re.compile("form")) #blah = True #blah2 = True if True: #process one of the results #print "record = ", record paper_title = "" journal_href = "" #link to something like sciencedirect for stuff in record('a'): if stuff._getAttrMap().has_key("onmousedown") and not stuff._getAttrMap().has_key("class"): paper_title = stuff.renderContents() journal_href = stuff._getAttrMap()["href"] #print "title = ", paper_title #print "href = ", href elif stuff._getAttrMap().has_key("onmousedown"): #but it has a class #print "it has a class and is onmousedown .. "; #print stuff.renderContents() href = stuff._getAttrMap()["href"] link_title = stuff.renderContents() if not link_title == "BL Direct": #then it might be useful. if href[-3:] == "pdf": potential_PDF_link = href pass else: print "ERROR: what do I want to do with this? href = ", href else: #it does not have onmousedown nor has a class in the link. what is it? #cites or cluster href = stuff._getAttrMap()["href"] if href.count("cites") > 0: #Cited by this-many #ISI Web of Knowledge integration? Nah. cites_link = href cites_link_name = stuff.renderContents() elif href.count("cluster") > 0: #All x versions cluster_link = href cluster_link_name = stuff.renderContents() elif href.count("related") > 0: #related articles related_link = href related_link_name = stuff.renderContents() elif stuff.renderContents() == "View as HTML": view_as_html_link = href elif stuff.renderContents() == "Cached": pass #TODO: add to record or object else: print "ERROR: was not a citation nor a 'see all versions' nor a related-papers link" print "title was = ", stuff.renderContents() #grab description #print "record = ", record for more in record('font',{'size':'-1'}): #print "more = ", more.renderContents() #grab authors author_data = "" for jiggie in more('span',{'class':'a'}): content = jiggie.renderContents() content_array = content.split(" - ") author_data = content_array[0] #strip bold tags from author_data #i don't know how to do this with BeautifulSoup author_data = ''.join(BeautifulSoup(author_data).findAll(text=True)) author_data = author_data.replace("…","") #replace ellipses authors = author_data.split(",") publication = "" pub_year = "" if len(content_array) > 1: if not len(content_array[1]) <= 6: publication = content_array[1][:-6] #last four digits should be a year pub_year = content_array[1][-4:] server = "" if len(content_array) > 2: server = content_array[2] #print "server = ", server #print "authors = ", author_data #print "publisher = ", publication #print "publication year = ", pub_year #what now? diff_versions_link=cluster_link diff_versions_link_name=cluster_link_name print "what?" my_paper = Paper(title=paper_title, journal_href=journal_href, potential_PDF_link=potential_PDF_link, cites_link=cites_link, cites_link_name=cites_link_name, diff_versions_link=diff_versions_link, diff_versions_link_name=diff_versions_link_name, related_papers_link=related_link, view_as_html_link=view_as_html_link, authors=authors, publication=publication, pub_year=pub_year, server=server) papers.append(my_paper) print yaml.dump(papers)