BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
master[bitcoindev] Bitcoin Core 28.0 Release Candidate 2 Available'Ava Chow' via Bitcoin Development Mailing List4 hours
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
4 hours[bitcoindev] Bitcoin Core 28.0 Release Candidate 2 AvailableHEADmaster'Ava Chow' via Bitcoin Development Mailing List1-0/+160
6 hours[bitcoindev] Re: Public disclosure of 1 vulnerability affecting Bitcoin Core ...Antoine Riard1-0/+206
11 hoursRe: [bitcoindev] Time for an update to BIP2?Antoine Riard1-0/+411
11 hours[bitcoindev] Public disclosure of 1 vulnerability affecting Bitcoin Core <24.0.1'Antoine Poinsot' via Bitcoin Development Mailing List1-0/+165
24 hoursRe: [bitcoindev] Time for an update to BIP2?Murch1-0/+209
10 days[bitcoindev] Publishing text of 2017-era proposed Bitcoin opcode OP_FFS (Fold...Ethan Heilman1-0/+362
13 daysRe: [bitcoindev] Proposal to upgrade the transaction relay protocol to a new ...Antoine Riard1-0/+356
13 daysRe: [bitcoindev] Proposal to upgrade the transaction relay protocol to a new ...Peter Todd1-0/+223
14 days[bitcoindev] Proposal to upgrade the transaction relay protocol to a new versionAntoine Riard1-0/+142
2024-09-03Re: [bitcoindev] Demonstrating Pinning Attacks under Real-World ConditionsAntoine Riard1-0/+357