// This file is generated by WOK (CPPExt). // Please do not edit this file; modify original file instead. // The copyright and license terms as defined for the original file apply to // this header file considered to be the "object code" form of the original source. #ifndef _CDF_Application_HeaderFile #define _CDF_Application_HeaderFile #ifndef _Standard_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_DefineHandle_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_CDF_Application_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _TCollection_ExtendedString_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _PCDM_ReaderStatus_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _CDM_Application_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_CDM_Document_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _CDM_CanCloseStatus_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Boolean_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _CDF_TypeOfActivation_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_PCDM_Reader_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_ExtString_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_CDM_MetaData_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Integer_HeaderFile #include #endif class Standard_NoSuchObject; class CDF_Session; class Standard_GUID; class CDM_Document; class TCollection_ExtendedString; class TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString; class PCDM_Reader; class CDM_MetaData; class CDF_Application : public CDM_Application { public: //! plugs an application.
//! Open is used
//! - for opening a Document that has been created in an application
//! - for opening a Document from the database
//! - for opening a Document from a file.
//! The Open methods always add the document in the session directory and
//! calls the virtual Activate method. The document is considered to be
//! opened until Close is used. To be storable, a document must be
//! opened by an application since the application resources are
//! needed to store it.
Standard_EXPORT static Handle_CDF_Application Load(const Standard_GUID& aGUID) ; //! puts the document in the current session directory
//! and calls the virtual method Activate on it.
Standard_EXPORT void Open(const Handle(CDM_Document)& aDocument) ; Standard_EXPORT CDM_CanCloseStatus CanClose(const Handle(CDM_Document)& aDocument) ; //! removes the document of the current session directory
//! and closes the document;
Standard_EXPORT void Close(const Handle(CDM_Document)& aDocument) ; //! This method retrieves a document from the database.
//! If the Document references other documents which have
//! been updated, the latest version of these documents will
//! be used if {UseStorageConfiguration} is Standard_True.
//! The content of {aFolder}, {aName} and {aVersion} depends on
//! the Database Manager system. If the DBMS is only based on
//! the OS, {aFolder} is a directory and {aName} is the name of a
//! file. In this case the use of the syntax with {aVersion}
//! has no sense. For example:
Standard_EXPORT Handle_CDM_Document Retrieve(const TCollection_ExtendedString& aFolder,const TCollection_ExtendedString& aName,const Standard_Boolean UseStorageConfiguration = Standard_True) ; //! This method retrieves a document from the database.
//! If the Document references other documents which have
//! been updated, the latest version of these documents
//! will be used if {UseStorageConfiguration} is
//! Standard_True. -- If the DBMS is only based on the
//! OS, this syntax should not be used.
//! If the DBMS is EUCLID/Design Manager, {aFolder}, {aName}
//! and {aVersion} have the form they have in
//! EUCLID/Design Manager. For example:
//! Handle(CDM_Document) theDocument=myApplication->Retrieve("|user|cascade","box","2");
//! A link is kept with the database through an instance
//! of CDM_MetaData
Standard_EXPORT Handle_CDM_Document Retrieve(const TCollection_ExtendedString& aFolder,const TCollection_ExtendedString& aName,const TCollection_ExtendedString& aVersion,const Standard_Boolean UseStorageConfiguration = Standard_True) ; Standard_EXPORT PCDM_ReaderStatus CanRetrieve(const TCollection_ExtendedString& aFolder,const TCollection_ExtendedString& aName) ; Standard_EXPORT PCDM_ReaderStatus CanRetrieve(const TCollection_ExtendedString& aFolder,const TCollection_ExtendedString& aName,const TCollection_ExtendedString& aVersion) ; Standard_EXPORT virtual void Formats(TColStd_SequenceOfExtendedString& Formats) = 0; //! Checks status after Retrieve
PCDM_ReaderStatus GetRetrieveStatus() const; Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean FindReader(const TCollection_ExtendedString& aFileName) ; Standard_EXPORT Handle_PCDM_Reader Reader(const TCollection_ExtendedString& aFileName) ; Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean FindReaderFromFormat(const TCollection_ExtendedString& aFormat) ; Standard_EXPORT Handle_PCDM_Reader ReaderFromFormat(const TCollection_ExtendedString& aFormat) ; //! try to retrieve a Format directly in the file or in
//! application resource by using extension. returns
//! True if found;
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Format(const TCollection_ExtendedString& aFileName,TCollection_ExtendedString& theFormat) ; Standard_EXPORT Standard_ExtString DefaultFolder() ; Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetDefaultFolder(const Standard_ExtString aFolder) ; Standard_EXPORT Standard_ExtString DefaultExtension() ; friend class CDF_Session; DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI(CDF_Application) protected: Standard_EXPORT CDF_Application(); PCDM_ReaderStatus myRetrievableStatus; private: //! Informs the application that aDocument has been
//! activated. A document is activated when it is created or
//! retrieved.
//! aTypeOfActivation will be:
//! - CDF_TOA_New if the document is a new one
//! (even empty or retrieved from the database for
//! the first time).
//! - CDF_TOA_Unchanged if the document was already
//! retrieved but had no changes since the previous retrieval.
//! - CDF_TOA_Modified if the document was already
//! retrieved and modified since the previous retrieval.
//! You do not need to call , but you should redefine
//! this method to implement application specific behavior.
Standard_EXPORT virtual void Activate(const Handle(CDM_Document)& aDocument,const CDF_TypeOfActivation aTypeOfActivation) ; Standard_EXPORT Handle_CDM_Document Retrieve(const Handle(CDM_MetaData)& aMetaData,const Standard_Boolean UseStorageConfiguration) ; Standard_EXPORT Handle_CDM_Document Retrieve(const Handle(CDM_MetaData)& aMetaData,const Standard_Boolean UseStorageConfiguration,const Standard_Boolean IsComponent) ; Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer DocumentVersion(const Handle(CDM_MetaData)& theMetaData) ; Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean FindReader(const TCollection_ExtendedString& aFileName,Standard_GUID& PluginIn,TCollection_ExtendedString& ResourceName) ; Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean FindReaderFromFormat(const TCollection_ExtendedString& aFormat,Standard_GUID& PluginIn,TCollection_ExtendedString& ResourceName) ; Standard_EXPORT CDF_TypeOfActivation TypeOfActivation(const Handle(CDM_MetaData)& aMetaData) ; Standard_EXPORT PCDM_ReaderStatus CanRetrieve(const Handle(CDM_MetaData)& aMetaData) ; TCollection_ExtendedString myDefaultFolder; }; #include // other Inline functions and methods (like "C++: function call" methods) #endif