// Copyright 2006-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. #include #include #include "W2.h" #include "pto2D.h" #include "MoleculaT.h" #include "Nanotubo.h" #define min(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y)) #define max(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y)) typedef int boolean; W2::W2(int i1, int j1, double lent1, int i2, int j2, double lent2, int terminator) { boolean ejes = false; boolean vecs = false; boolean despleg = false; String td1, td2; //dos cadenas etiquetan primer y segundo defecto molecule = MoleculaT (); molecule.vaciar (); int n = 0, m = 0; //indices de la cinta strip molecule.setInfo (String("(") + i1 + "," + j1 + ")-(" + i2 + "," + j2 + ") Nanotube Heterojunction with lengths " + lent1 + " and " + lent2 + " A."); logInfo (String("---------------------------------------------------------\n") + " GENERATION OF A (" + i1 + "," + j1 + ")-(" + i2 + "," + j2 + ") CARBON NANOTUBE JUNCTION\n" + "---------------------------------------------------------\n"); if (i1 == 0 && j1 == 0) { std::cerr << "1st tube's indices are incorrect"; return; } if (i2 == 0 && j2 == 0) { std::cerr << "2nd tube's indices are incorrect"; return; } // If the user put in any negative parameters, fix that now boolean cambio1 = false; // cambio --> change boolean cambio2 = false; for (; (i1 < 0) || (j1 < 0);) { int i1n = -j1; int j1n = i1 + j1; i1 = i1n; j1 = j1n; cambio1 = true; } for (; (i2 < 0) || (j2 < 0);) { int i2n = -j2; int j2n = i2 + j2; i2 = i2n; j2 = j2n; cambio2 = true; } if (cambio1) { std::cerr << "Indices of 1st tube automatically translated to (" << i1 << "," << j1 << ")\n"; } if (cambio2) { std::cerr << "Indices of 2nd tube automatically translated to (" << i2 << "," << j2 << ")\n"; } // Check validity conditions on parameters if (i2 == i1 && j2 == j1) { std::cerr << "Error: Indices of both tubes coincide"; return; } if (i2 < 2 && j2 < 2) { std::cerr << "Stop: 2nd tube too narrow"; return; } if (i1 < 2 && j1 < 2) { std::cerr << "Stop: 1st tube too narrow"; return; } boolean creciente = true; int c = 0; // Create the two nanotubes to be joined Nanotubo NTA = Nanotubo (i1, j1, 2.46); Nanotubo NTB = Nanotubo (i2, j2, 2.46); // Warn if structure is large enough to be potentially problematic? Nope. // The actual algorithm starts here int nad = j2 - j1; int mad = i1 - i2 + j1 - j2; int nbd = i1 + j1 - j2; int mbd = i2 - i1 + j2; int nai = i1 - i2 + j1 - j2; int mai = i2 - i1; int nbi = i2 - j1 + j2; int mbi = j1 - i2 + i1; if (NTA.radio () < NTB.radio ()) { creciente = true; // creciente --> flood c = -1; n = nai; m = mai; td1 = "heptagon"; td2 = "pentagon"; } else { creciente = false; c = 1; n = nad; m = mad; td1 = "pentagon"; td2 = "heptagon"; } logInfo (String("The ") + td1 + " comes first, and the " + td2 + " is at (" + n + "," + m + "). "); if (!creciente) logInfo (String("The strip is (") + nad + "," + mad + ")[1,0];(" + nbd + "," + mbd + ")[-1,0];"); else logInfo (String("The strip is (") + nai + "," + mai + ")[1,0];(" + nbi + "," + mbi + ")[-1,0];"); MoleculaB conoplano = MoleculaB (); double A = 2.46; double r3 = sqrt (3); pto2D pA = pto2D (0.0, 0.0); pto2D pB = pto2D (A * (i1 + j1 * 0.5), A * r3 / 2 * j1); pto2D pC = pto2D (A * (n + m * 0.5), A * r3 / 2 * m); pto2D pD = pto2D (A * (n + i2 + (m + j2) * 0.5), A * r3 / 2 * (m + j2)); // detectanconc --> they detect conc? int nconc = detectanconc (pB, pA, pC, pD); if (nconc == 0 || nconc == 1) { logInfo ("Heterojunction requires a cone"); logInfo (". Starting cone determination:"); //DETECTAMOS EL RETCTANGULO que contiene el trapezoide magico //WE DETECTED the RECTANGLE that contains the magical trapezoid double maxcx = max (max (pA.x, pB.x), max (pC.x, pD.x)); double maxcy = max (max (pA.y, pB.y), max (pC.y, pD.y)); double mincx = min (min (pA.x, pB.x), min (pC.x, pD.x)); double mincy = min (min (pA.y, pB.y), min (pC.y, pD.y)); if (despleg) { molecule.addVert (pA, 8); molecule.addVert (pB, 8); molecule.addVert (pC, 8); molecule.addVert (pD, 8); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 1, molecule.nvert () - 2); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 2, molecule.nvert () - 4); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 4, molecule.nvert () - 3); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 3, molecule.nvert () - 1); } double sty = (int) ((mincy - 2.0 * A * r3) / (A * r3)) * A * r3; double stx = (int) ((mincx - 2.0 * A) / (A)) * A; for (double cely = sty; cely <= (maxcy - mincy) + 4 * A * r3; cely = cely + A * r3) for (double celx = stx; celx <= (maxcx - mincx) + 4 * A; celx = celx + A) { pto2D at1 = pto2D (celx, cely + A / r3); pto2D at2 = pto2D (celx, cely - A / r3); pto2D at3 = pto2D (celx + A / 2, cely + A / 2 / r3); pto2D at4 = pto2D (celx + A / 2, cely - A / 2 / r3); if (at1.dentro4l (pB, pA, pC, pD)) { conoplano.addVert (at1, 6); if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at1, 6); } // if (at2.dentro4l (pB, pA, pC, pD)) { conoplano.addVert (at2, 6); if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at2, 6); } // if (at3.dentro4l (pB, pA, pC, pD)) { conoplano.addVert (at3, 6); if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at3, 6); } // if (at4.dentro4l (pB, pA, pC, pD)) { conoplano.addVert (at4, 6); if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at4, 6); } // } pto2D pV; double fc = 0; if (creciente) { pV = pto2D (A * (i1 + j1 - i1 * 0.5), -A * r3 / 2.0 * i1); fc = -1; } else { pV = pto2D (A * (-j1 + (i1 + j1) * 0.5), A * r3 / 2.0 * (i1 + j1)); fc = 1; } double angucono = asin (0.5 / M_PI); double db = pV.dista (pA); for (int i = 0; i < conoplano.nvert (); i++) { pto3D ptp = conoplano.vert (i); double di = pV.dista (ptp); double an; if (creciente) an = pA.menos (pV).a2D ().angulocwhasta (ptp.menos (pV).a2D ()); else an = pA.menos (pV).a2D ().anguloccwhasta (ptp.menos (pV).a2D ()); double TX = di * sin (angucono) * cos (6.0 * an); double TY = di * sin (angucono) * sin (6.0 * an); double TZ = fc * (db - di) * cos (angucono); pto3D ptemp = pto3D (TX, TY, TZ); if (!despleg) if (!molecule.ocupa1 (ptemp)) molecule.addVert (ptemp, 6); } logInfo (String("The cone is completed with ") + molecule.nvert () + " atoms"); if (lent1 <= 15. || lent2 <= 15.) std::cerr << "Open ends remain deformed: Increase length up to 15 Angstrom.\n"; double curvaP = 0.22; double curvaH = 0.22; pto3D lt1 = pto3D (); pto3D lt2 = pto3D (); logInfo (String("Determination of both tubes. ")); double anT2; if (creciente) anT2 = pA.menos (pV).a2D ().angulocwhasta (pC.menos (pV).a2D ()); else anT2 = pA.menos (pV).a2D ().anguloccwhasta (pC.menos (pV).a2D ()); double dhT2 = anT2 * 6.0; logInfo (String(" Tubes 1 and 2 form a dihedral angle of ") + (int) (dhT2 * 180. / M_PI) + " deg."); //y creamos los vec --> and we create the vector if (!creciente) { lt1 = pto3D (sin (curvaP), 0, cos (curvaP)); lt2 = pto3D (sin (curvaH) * cos (dhT2), sin (curvaH) * sin (dhT2), cos (curvaH)); } else { lt1 = pto3D (-sin (curvaH), 0, cos (curvaH)); lt2 = pto3D (-sin (curvaP) * cos (dhT2), -sin (curvaP) * sin (dhT2), cos (curvaP)); } double ratio1x = lt1.x / lt1.z; double ratio1y = lt1.y / lt1.z; double ratio2x = lt2.x / lt2.z; double ratio2y = lt2.y / lt2.z; logInfo (String("Starting 1st tube construction. ")); pto2D pAcm1 = pto2D (0.0, 0.0); pto2D pBcm1 = pto2D (A * (i1 + j1 * 0.5), A * r3 / 2 * j1); //determinamos el vector transpuesto --> we determine the transposed vector pto2D pTcm1 = pto2D (pBcm1.y, -pBcm1.x); pto3D pTcm1corto = pTcm1.aversor ().escala (lent1); pto2D pCcm1 = pAcm1.mas (pTcm1corto).a2D (); pto2D pDcm1 = pBcm1.mas (pTcm1corto).a2D (); logInfo (String("Filling 1st tube planar projection ")); double maxcx1 = max (max (pAcm1.x, pBcm1.x), max (pCcm1.x, pDcm1.x)); double maxcy1 = max (max (pAcm1.y, pBcm1.y), max (pCcm1.y, pDcm1.y)); double mincx1 = min (min (pAcm1.x, pBcm1.x), min (pCcm1.x, pDcm1.x)); double mincy1 = min (min (pAcm1.y, pBcm1.y), min (pCcm1.y, pDcm1.y)); MoleculaB cachotubo1 = MoleculaB (); int sty1 = (int) round ((mincy1 - 3.0) / A / r3); int stx1 = (int) round ((mincx1 - 3.0) / A); int enx1 = (int) round ((maxcx1 + 3.0) / A); int eny1 = (int) round ((maxcy1 + 3.0) / A / r3); int nummax1 = (int) (6 * (maxcx1 - mincx1) * (maxcy1 - mincy1) / A / A / r3); int *posis1 = new int[3 * nummax1]; int indi1 = 0; for (int cely = sty1; cely <= eny1; cely++) //recorrido vertical --> vertical route for (int celx = stx1; celx <= enx1; celx++) //recorrido horizontal { pto2D at1 = pto2D (celx * A, cely * A * r3 + A / r3); pto2D at2 = pto2D (celx * A, cely * A * r3 - A / r3); pto2D at3 = pto2D (celx * A + A / 2.0, cely * A * r3 + A / 2.0 / r3); pto2D at4 = pto2D (celx * A + A / 2.0, cely * A * r3 - A / 2.0 / r3); if (at1.dentro4l (pAcm1, pBcm1, pDcm1, pCcm1)) { cachotubo1.addVert (at1, 6); posis1[indi1] = 1; posis1[nummax1 + indi1] = celx - cely; posis1[2*nummax1 + indi1] = cely * 2; indi1++; if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at1, 6); } // if (at2.dentro4l (pAcm1, pBcm1, pDcm1, pCcm1)) { cachotubo1.addVert (at2, 6); posis1[indi1] = 2; posis1[nummax1 + indi1] = celx - cely + 1; posis1[2*nummax1 + indi1] = cely * 2 - 2; indi1++; if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at2, 6); } // if (at3.dentro4l (pAcm1, pBcm1, pDcm1, pCcm1)) { cachotubo1.addVert (at3, 6); posis1[indi1] = 2; posis1[nummax1 + indi1] = celx - cely + 1; posis1[2*nummax1 + indi1] = cely * 2 - 1; indi1++; if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at3, 6); } // if (at4.dentro4l (pAcm1, pBcm1, pDcm1, pCcm1)) { cachotubo1.addVert (at4, 6); posis1[indi1] = 1; posis1[nummax1 + indi1] = celx - cely + 1; posis1[2*nummax1 + indi1] = cely * 2 - 1; indi1++; if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at4, 6); } // } logInfo (String("with ") + cachotubo1.nvert () + " atoms."); double da1 = pV.dista (pA); pto3D pAm1 = pA.ptomediocon (pB); double dop1 = pV.dista (pAm1); // proyectado --> projected pto3D pdefproy1 = pto3D (da1 * sin (angucono), 0, fc * (db - da1) * cos (angucono)); //P proyectado pto3D odefproy1 = pto3D (-dop1 * sin (angucono), 0, fc * (db - dop1) * cos (angucono)); //P proyectado pto3D pstart1 = pdefproy1.ptomediocon (odefproy1); pto3D pori1 = pdefproy1.menos (pstart1); if (ejes) { molecule.addVert (pdefproy1, 9); molecule.addVert (odefproy1, 8); molecule.addVert (pstart1.mas (lt1.escala (-20)), 7); molecule.addVert (pstart1, 6); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 1, molecule.nvert () - 2); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 1, molecule.nvert () - 3); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 1, molecule.nvert () - 4); } for (int i = 0; i < cachotubo1.nvert (); i++) { pto3D ptp = cachotubo1.vert (i); pto2D puntoproy = ptp.proyeccplano (pTcm1corto).a2D (); double diz = ptp.proyeccplano (pBcm1).modulo (); double di = pV.dista (puntoproy); double an; if (creciente) { an = pA.menos (pV).a2D ().angulocwhasta (puntoproy.menos (pV).a2D ()); } else { an = pA.menos (pV).a2D ().anguloccwhasta (puntoproy.menos (pV).a2D ()); } double TX = di * sin (angucono) * cos (an * 6.0) - ratio1x * diz; // pero para el ajuste del primer tubo, es negativo // but for the adjustment of the first tube, it is negative double TY = di * sin (angucono) * sin (an * 6.0) - ratio1y * diz; double TZ = fc * (db - di) * cos (angucono) - diz; pto3D ptemp = pto3D (TX, TY, TZ); int tipoat = posis1[i]; int celdai = posis1[nummax1 + i]; int celdaj = posis1[2*nummax1 + i]; double co = 0.0; if (diz < GMI) co = 0.0; else if (diz > GAP) co = 1.0; else co = (diz - GMI) / (GAP - GMI); pto3D pperf = aproxNT (ptemp, //Punto a aproximar tipoat, celdai, celdaj, pstart1, i1, j1, lt1, pori1, co); if (!despleg) if (!molecule.ocupa1 (pperf)) molecule.addVert (pperf, 6); } //TEST if (vecs) { pto3D pbaseO = aproxNT (pto3D (0, 0, 0), 1, 0, 0, pstart1, i1, j1, lt1, pto3D (1, 0, 0), 1); pto3D pbase1 = aproxNT (pto3D (0, 0, 0), 1, 1, 0, pstart1, i1, j1, lt1, pto3D (1, 0, 0), 1); pto3D pbase2 = aproxNT (pto3D (0, 0, 0), 1, 0, 1, pstart1, i1, j1, lt1, pto3D (1, 0, 0), 1); molecule.addVert (pbaseO, 6); molecule.addVert (pbase1, 7); molecule.addVert (pbase2, 8); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 1, molecule.nvert () - 3); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 2, molecule.nvert () - 3); } logInfo (String("\nStarting 2nd tube construction. ")); pto2D pAcm2 = pC.clona ().a2D (); pto2D pBcm2 = pD.clona ().a2D (); pto2D pTcm2 = pto2D (-(pBcm2.y - pAcm2.y), pBcm2.x - pAcm2.x); pto3D pTcm2corto = pTcm2.aversor ().escala (lent2); pto2D pCcm2 = pAcm2.mas (pTcm2corto).a2D (); pto2D pDcm2 = pBcm2.mas (pTcm2corto).a2D (); double maxcx2 = max (max (pAcm2.x, pBcm2.x), max (pCcm2.x, pDcm2.x)); double maxcy2 = max (max (pAcm2.y, pBcm2.y), max (pCcm2.y, pDcm2.y)); double mincx2 = min (min (pAcm2.x, pBcm2.x), min (pCcm2.x, pDcm2.x)); double mincy2 = min (min (pAcm2.y, pBcm2.y), min (pCcm2.y, pDcm2.y)); logInfo (String("Filling 2nd tube planar projection ")); MoleculaB cachotubo2 = MoleculaB (); int sty2 = (int) round ((mincy2 - 3.0) / A / r3); int stx2 = (int) round ((mincx2 - 3.0) / A); int enx2 = (int) round ((maxcx2 + 3.0) / A); int eny2 = (int) round ((maxcy2 + 3.0) / A / r3); int nummax2 = (int) (6 * (maxcx2 - mincx2) * (maxcy2 - mincy2) / A / A / r3); int *posis2 = new int[3 * nummax2]; int indi2 = 0; for (int cely = sty2; cely <= eny2; cely++) //recorrido vertical, con for (int celx = stx2; celx <= enx2; celx++) //recorrido horizontal { pto2D at1 = pto2D (celx * A, cely * A * r3 + A / r3); pto2D at2 = pto2D (celx * A, cely * A * r3 - A / r3); pto2D at3 = pto2D (celx * A + A / 2.0, cely * A * r3 + A / 2.0 / r3); pto2D at4 = pto2D (celx * A + A / 2.0, cely * A * r3 - A / 2.0 / r3); if (at1.dentro4l (pBcm2, pAcm2, pCcm2, pDcm2)) { cachotubo2.addVert (at1, 6); posis2[indi2] = 1; posis2[nummax2 + indi2] = celx - cely; posis2[2*nummax2 + indi2] = cely * 2; indi2++; if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at1, 6); } // if (at2.dentro4l (pBcm2, pAcm2, pCcm2, pDcm2)) { cachotubo2.addVert (at2, 6); posis2[indi2] = 2; posis2[nummax2 + indi2] = celx - cely + 1; posis2[2*nummax2 + indi2] = cely * 2 - 2; indi2++; if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at2, 6); } // if (at3.dentro4l (pBcm2, pAcm2, pCcm2, pDcm2)) { cachotubo2.addVert (at3, 6); posis2[indi2] = 2; posis2[nummax2 + indi2] = celx - cely + 1; posis2[2*nummax2 + indi2] = cely * 2 - 1; indi2++; if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at3, 6); } // if (at4.dentro4l (pBcm2, pAcm2, pCcm2, pDcm2)) { cachotubo2.addVert (at4, 6); posis2[indi2] = 1; posis2[nummax2 + indi2] = celx - cely + 1; posis2[2*nummax2 + indi2] = cely * 2 - 1; indi2++; if (despleg) molecule.addVert (at4, 6); } // } logInfo (String("with ") + cachotubo2.nvert () + " atoms."); double dc2 = pV.dista (pC); pto3D pCm2 = pC.ptomediocon (pD); double dop2 = pV.dista (pCm2); pto3D pdefproy2 = pto3D (dc2 * sin (angucono) * cos (dhT2), dc2 * sin (angucono) * sin (dhT2), fc * (db - dc2) * cos (angucono)); //P proyectado pto3D odefproy2 = pto3D (-dop2 * sin (angucono) * cos (dhT2) , -dop2 * sin (angucono) * sin (dhT2) , fc * (db - dop2) * cos (angucono)); //P proyectado pto3D pstart2 = pdefproy2.ptomediocon (odefproy2); pto3D pori2 = pdefproy2.menos (pstart2); if (ejes) { molecule.addVert (pdefproy2, 9); molecule.addVert (odefproy2, 8); molecule.addVert (pstart2.mas (lt2.escala (20)), 7); molecule.addVert (pstart2, 6); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 1, molecule.nvert () - 2); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 1, molecule.nvert () - 3); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 1, molecule.nvert () - 4); } ////////////////////////////// for (int i = 0; i < cachotubo2.nvert (); i++) { pto3D ptp = cachotubo2.vert (i).menos (pAcm2); //ha de ser relativo pto2D puntoproy = ptp.proyeccplano (pTcm2corto).mas (pAcm2).a2D (); //ha de ser respecto al origen double diz = ptp.proyeccplano (pBcm2.menos (pAcm2)).modulo (); //distancia al vector quiral 2, double di = pV.dista (puntoproy); double an; if (creciente) { an = pA.menos (pV).a2D ().angulocwhasta (puntoproy.menos (pV).a2D ()); } else { an = pA.menos (pV).a2D ().anguloccwhasta (puntoproy.menos (pV).a2D ()); } double TX = di * sin (angucono) * cos (6.0 * an) + diz * ratio2x; //diz ahora tiene que ser ositivo double TY = di * sin (angucono) * sin (6.0 * an) + diz * ratio2y; double TZ = fc * (db - di) * cos (angucono) + diz; // y aqui tambien positivo, por eso hay que restarla pto3D ptemp = pto3D (TX, TY, TZ); int tipoat = posis2[i]; int celdai = posis2[nummax2 + i] - n; int celdaj = posis2[2*nummax2 + i] - m; double co = 0.0; if (diz < GMI) co = 0.0; else if (diz > GAP) co = 1.0; //ES el Gap de AProximacion; else co = (-diz + GMI) / (-GAP + GMI); pto3D pperf = aproxNT (ptemp, //Punto a aproximar tipoat, celdai, celdaj, pstart2, i2, j2, lt2, pori2, co); if (!despleg) if (!molecule.ocupa1 (pperf)) molecule.addVert (pperf, 6); } if (vecs) { pto3D pbaseO2 = aproxNT (pto3D (0, 0, 0), 1, 0, 0, pstart2, i2, j2, lt2, pori2, 1); pto3D pbase12 = aproxNT (pto3D (0, 0, 0), 1, 1, 0, pstart2, i2, j2, lt2, pori2, 1); pto3D pbase22 = aproxNT (pto3D (0, 0, 0), 1, 0, 1, pstart2, i2, j2, lt2, pori2, 1); molecule.addVert (pbaseO2, 6); molecule.addVert (pbase12, 7); molecule.addVert (pbase22, 8); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 1, molecule.nvert () - 3); molecule.conecta (molecule.nvert () - 2, molecule.nvert () - 3); } //represtentacion vec base logInfo (String("Structure (") + i1 + "," + j1 + ")-(" + i2 + "," + j2 + ") completed with " + molecule.nvert () + " atoms"); } else { logInfo (String("\nHeterojunction cannot be formed with a cone. Using alternative algorithm.")); pto2D Qad = pto2D (A * (nad + mad * 0.5), A * r3 / 2 * mad); pto2D Qai = pto2D (A * (nai + mai * 0.5), A * r3 / 2 * mai); pto2D pA1 = pto2D (0.0, 0.0); pto2D pB1 = pto2D (A * (i1 + j1 * 0.5), A * r3 / 2 * j1); double angulod = pB1.angulocong (Qad); double anguloi = pB1.angulocong (Qai); boolean directo = true; if ((angulod < 90.) && (anguloi > 90.)) { directo = true; n = nad; m = mad; } else if ((anguloi < 90.) && (angulod > 90.)) { directo = false; n = nai; m = mai; } else std::cerr << "Unexpected geometry!!\n"; pto2D pC1 = pto2D (A * (n + m * 0.5), A * r3 / 2 * m); pto2D pA2 = pto2D (0.0, 0.0); pto2D pB2 = pto2D (A * (i2 + j2 * 0.5), A * r3 / 2 * j2); int nprima = 0; int mprima = 0; if (directo) { nprima = -m; mprima = n + m; } else { nprima = n + m; mprima = -n; } pto2D pC2 = pto2D (A * (nprima + mprima * 0.5), A * r3 / 2 * mprima); double lonmint1 = pC1.proyeccplano (pB1).modulo (); double lonmint2 = pC2.proyeccplano (pB2).modulo (); // double lm = max (lonmint1, lonmint2); if (lent1 <= lonmint1) { logInfo (String("Warning: 1st tube's length too short: Augmented automatically to ") + (int) (lonmint1 + 1) + " Angstrom."); } if (lent2 <= lonmint2) { logInfo (String("Warning: 2nd tube's length too short: Augmented automatically to ") + (int) (lonmint2 + 1) + " Angstrom."); } if (lent1 <= 15. || lent2 <= 15.) logInfo (String("Warning: Open ends remain deformed: Increase length up to 15 Angstrom.")); //Definimos los puntos que enmarcan los tubos //We define the points that frame the tubes -- bounding boxes, maybe? pto2D vlong1 = pto2D (pB1.y, -pB1.x); pto2D vlong2 = pto2D (-pB2.y, pB2.x); pto2D pA1b = vlong1.aversor ().escala (lent1).a2D (); pto2D pB1b = pB1.mas (pA1b); pto2D pA2b = vlong2.aversor ().escala (lent2).a2D (); pto2D pB2b = pB2.mas (pA2b); pto2D pC1p = pC1.proyeccplano (pA1b).a2D (); pto2D pC2p = pC2.proyeccplano (pA2b).a2D (); pto2D pC1b = pC1p.mas (pA1b); pto2D pC2b = pC2p.mas (pA2b); double maxcx1 = max (max (pA1.x, pB1.x), max (pA1b.x, pB1b.x)); double maxcy1 = max (max (pA1.y, pB1.y), max (pA1b.y, pB1b.y)); double mincx1 = min (min (pA1.x, pB1.x), min (pA1b.x, pB1b.x)); double mincy1 = min (min (pA1.y, pB1.y), min (pA1b.y, pB1b.y)); double maxcx2 = max (max (pA2.x, pB2.x), max (pA2b.x, pB2b.x)); double maxcy2 = max (max (pA2.y, pB2.y), max (pA2b.y, pB2b.y)); double mincx2 = min (min (pA2.x, pB2.x), min (pA2b.x, pB2b.x)); double mincy2 = min (min (pA2.y, pB2.y), min (pA2b.y, pB2b.y)); logInfo (String("Starting 1st tube construction. ")); logInfo (String("Filling 1st tube planar projection ")); MoleculaB cachot1 = MoleculaB (); int sty1 = (int) round ((mincy1 - 3.0) / A / r3); int stx1 = (int) round ((mincx1 - 3.0) / A); int enx1 = (int) round ((maxcx1 + 3.0) / A); int eny1 = (int) round ((maxcy1 + 3.0) / A / r3); int nummax1 = (int) (4 * (maxcx1 - mincx1) * (maxcy1 - mincy1) / A / A / r3); int *posis1 = new int[3 * nummax1]; int indi1 = 0; for (int cely = sty1; cely <= eny1; cely++) //recorrido vertical for (int celx = stx1; celx <= enx1; celx++) //recorrido horizontal { pto2D at1 = pto2D (celx * A, cely * A * r3 + A / r3); pto2D at2 = pto2D (celx * A, cely * A * r3 - A / r3); pto2D at3 = pto2D (celx * A + A / 2.0, cely * A * r3 + A / 2.0 / r3); pto2D at4 = pto2D (celx * A + A / 2.0, cely * A * r3 - A / 2.0 / r3); if (at1.dentro4l (pA1, pC1, pC1b, pA1b) || at1.dentro4l (pC1, pB1, pB1b, pC1b)) { cachot1.addVert (at1, 6); posis1[indi1] = 1; posis1[nummax1 + indi1] = celx - cely; posis1[2*nummax1 + indi1] = cely * 2; indi1++; } //molecule.addVert(at1,7); if (at2.dentro4l (pA1, pC1, pC1b, pA1b) || at2.dentro4l (pC1, pB1, pB1b, pC1b)) { cachot1.addVert (at2, 6); posis1[indi1] = 2; posis1[nummax1 + indi1] = celx - cely + 1; posis1[2*nummax1 + indi1] = cely * 2 - 2; indi1++; } //molecule.addVert(at2,7); if (at3.dentro4l (pA1, pC1, pC1b, pA1b) || at3.dentro4l (pC1, pB1, pB1b, pC1b)) { cachot1.addVert (at3, 6); posis1[indi1] = 2; posis1[nummax1 + indi1] = celx - cely + 1; posis1[2*nummax1 + indi1] = cely * 2 - 1; indi1++; } //molecule.addVert(at3,7); if (at4.dentro4l (pA1, pC1, pC1b, pA1b) || at4.dentro4l (pC1, pB1, pB1b, pC1b)) { cachot1.addVert (at4, 6); posis1[indi1] = 1; posis1[nummax1 + indi1] = celx - cely + 1; posis1[2*nummax1 + indi1] = cely * 2 - 1; indi1++; } //molecule.addVert(at4,7); } logInfo (String("with ") + cachot1.nvert () + " atoms."); MoleculaB cachot2 = MoleculaB (); logInfo (String("\nStarting 2nd tube construction. ")); logInfo (String("Filling 2nd tube planar projection ")); //hay que calcular la macrocelda del comienzo, que debe ser el centro de un hexagono //it is necessary to calculate the macrocell of the beginning, that must be the center of a hexagon int sty2 = (int) round ((mincy2 - 3.0) / A / r3); int stx2 = (int) round ((mincx2 - 3.0) / A); int enx2 = (int) round ((maxcx2 + 3.0) / A); int eny2 = (int) round ((maxcy2 + 3.0) / A / r3); int nummax2 = (int) (4 * (maxcx2 - mincx2) * (maxcy2 - mincy2) / A / A / r3); int *posis2 = new int[3 * nummax2]; int indi2 = 0; for (int cely = sty2; cely <= eny2; cely++) //recorrido vertical, for (int celx = stx2; celx <= enx2; celx++) //recorrido horizontal { pto2D at1 = pto2D (celx * A, cely * A * r3 + A / r3); pto2D at2 = pto2D (celx * A, cely * A * r3 - A / r3); pto2D at3 = pto2D (celx * A + A / 2.0, cely * A * r3 + A / 2.0 / r3); pto2D at4 = pto2D (celx * A + A / 2.0, cely * A * r3 - A / 2.0 / r3); if (at1.dentro4l (pA2, pA2b, pC2b, pC2) || at1.dentro4l (pC2, pC2b, pB2b, pB2)) { cachot2.addVert (at1, 6); posis2[indi2] = 1; posis2[nummax2 + indi2] = celx - cely; posis2[2*nummax2 + indi2] = cely * 2; indi2++; } //molecule.addVert(at1,1); if (at2.dentro4l (pA2, pA2b, pC2b, pC2) || at2.dentro4l (pC2, pC2b, pB2b, pB2)) { cachot2.addVert (at2, 6); posis2[indi2] = 2; posis2[nummax2 + indi2] = celx - cely + 1; posis2[2*nummax2 + indi2] = cely * 2 - 2; indi2++; } //molecule.addVert(at2,1); if (at3.dentro4l (pA2, pA2b, pC2b, pC2) || at3.dentro4l (pC2, pC2b, pB2b, pB2)) { cachot2.addVert (at3, 6); posis2[indi2] = 2; posis2[nummax2 + indi2] = celx - cely + 1; posis2[2*nummax2 + indi2] = cely * 2 - 1; indi2++; } //molecule.addVert(at3,1); if (at4.dentro4l (pA2, pA2b, pC2b, pC2) || at4.dentro4l (pC2, pC2b, pB2b, pB2)) { cachot2.addVert (at4, 6); posis2[indi2] = 1; posis2[nummax2 + indi2] = celx - cely + 1; posis2[2*nummax2 + indi2] = cely * 2 - 1; indi2++; } //molecule.addVert(at4,1); } logInfo (String("with ") + cachot2.nvert () + " atoms."); double C1 = pC1.proyeccplano (pA1b).modulo (); double C2 = pC2.proyeccplano (pA2b).modulo (); double C = (C1 + C2) * 0.5; double B1 = pB1.modulo () - C1; double B2 = pB2.modulo () - C2; double B = (B1 + B2) * 0.5; double AL1 = pB1.angulocwhasta (pC1); double AL2 = pB2.angulocwhasta (pC2); //pueden ser negativos!! double Cy1 = C1 * tan (AL1); double Cy2 = C2 * tan (AL2); //y estos tres tambien!! double Cy = (Cy1 + Cy2) * 0.5; // the sines deformed after the contraction, change! double tanAL1d = Cy1 / C; //los senos deformados /despues de la contraccion, cambian! double tanAL2d = Cy2 / C; //los senos deformados /despues de la contraccion, cambian! double tanBE1d = Cy1 / B; //los senos deformados /despues de la contraccion, cambian! double tanBE2d = Cy2 / B; //los senos deformados /despues de la contraccion, cambian! double tanALM = Cy / C; //los senos deformados /despues de la contraccion, cambian! double tanBEM = Cy / B; //los senos deformados /despues de la contraccion, cambian! double ratio11 = tanAL1d - tanALM; double ratio12 = tanBE1d - tanBEM; double ratio21 = tanAL2d - tanALM; double ratio22 = tanBE2d - tanBEM; double R = (B + C) / 2.0 / M_PI; // this is an angle in radians double curvaP = 0.4; //esto es un angulillo en radianes double curvaH = 0.4; pto3D lead11 = pto3D (); pto3D lead12 = pto3D (); pto3D lead21 = pto3D (); pto3D lead22 = pto3D (); double a2to1 = (C / R); //en radianes double sa = sin (a2to1); double ca = cos (a2to1); double sp = sin (curvaP); double cp = cos (curvaP); double sh = sin (curvaH); double ch = cos (curvaH); if (directo) { lead11 = pto3D (sp, 0.0, cp); //De primer tubo P lead12 = pto3D (-ca * sh, -sa * sh, ch); //2ndo def H lead21 = pto3D (-sp, 0.0, cp); //De segundo tubo P lead22 = pto3D (ca * sh, sa * sh, ch); // H } else { lead11 = pto3D (-sh, 0.0, ch); //De primer tubo H lead12 = pto3D (ca * sp, sa * sp, cp); //2ndo def P lead21 = pto3D (sh, 0.0, ch); //De segundo tubo H lead22 = pto3D (-ca * sp, -sa * sp, cp); // P } pto3D lt1 = lead11.mas (lead12).aversor (); pto3D lt2 = lead21.mas (lead22).aversor (); double ratio1x = lt1.x / lt1.z; double ratio1y = lt1.y / lt1.z; double ratio2x = lt2.x / lt2.z; double ratio2y = lt2.y / lt2.z; for (int i = 0; i < cachot1.nvert (); i++) { pto3D p = cachot1.susatomos.get(i)->vert; double xg = p.proyeccplano (pA1b).modulo (); double yg = p.proyeccplano (pB1).modulo (); if (p.angulocong (pA1b) <= 90.0) yg *= -1; double xm = xg; double ym = yg; double htolq = 0; //Height to linea queb if (xg < C1) { xm = xg / C1 * C; ym = yg + ratio11 * xm; htolq = yg + tanAL1d * xm; } else { xm = C + B - (B1 + C1 - xg) / B1 * B; ym = yg + ratio12 * (B + C - xm); htolq = yg + tanBE1d * (B + C - xm); } double xf = R * cos (M_PI * 2 * xm / (B + C)) + (ratio1x * htolq); //*ft1+ratio2x*ft2) double yf = R * sin (M_PI * 2 * xm / (B + C)) + (ratio1y * htolq); //ft1+ratio2y*ft2)* double zf = ym; pto3D ptemp = pto3D (xf, yf, zf); int tipoat = posis1[i]; int celdai = posis1[nummax1 + i]; int celdaj = posis1[2*nummax1 + i]; double co = 0.0; if (htolq > -GMI) co = 0.0; //ES el Gap MInimo else if (htolq < -GAP) co = 1.0; //ES el Gap de AProximacion; else co = (zf + GMI) / (-GAP + GMI); //num siempre creciente, den negativo // always increasing number, gives negative pto3D pperf = aproxNTchap (ptemp, //Punto a aproximar tipoat, celdai, celdaj, pto3D (0, 0, 0), i1, j1, lt1, pto3D (R, 0, 0), co); if (!molecule.ocupa1 (pperf)) molecule.addVert (pperf, 6); } for (int i = 0; i < cachot2.nvert (); i++) { pto3D p = cachot2.susatomos.get(i)->vert; double xg = p.proyeccplano (pA2b).modulo (); //OJO a la costura double yg = p.proyeccplano (pB2).modulo (); if (p.angulocong (pA2b) >= 90.0) yg *= -1; //los que son negativos double xm = xg; double ym = yg; double htolq = 0; if (xg < C2) { xm = xg / C2 * C; ym = yg + ratio21 * xm; htolq = yg + tanAL2d * xm; } else { xm = C + B - (B2 + C2 - xg) / B2 * B; ym = yg + ratio22 * (B + C - xm); htolq = yg + tanBE2d * (B + C - xm); } double xf = R * cos (M_PI * 2 * xm / (B + C)) + (ratio2x * htolq); //ft1+ratio2x*ft2)*ym double yf = R * sin (M_PI * 2 * xm / (B + C)) + (ratio2y * htolq); //ft1+ratio2y*ft2)*ym double zf = ym; pto3D ptemp = pto3D (xf, yf, zf); int tipoat = posis2[i]; int celdai = posis2[nummax2 + i]; int celdaj = posis2[2*nummax2 + i]; double co = 0.0; if (htolq < GMI) co = 0.0; //ES el Gap MInimo else if (htolq > GAP) co = 1.0; //ES el Gap de AProximacion; else co = (zf - GMI) / (GAP - GMI); pto3D pperf = aproxNTchap (ptemp, //Punto a aproximar tipoat, celdai, celdaj, pto3D (0, 0, 0), i2, j2, lt2, pto3D (R, 0, 0), co); if (!molecule.ocupa1 (pperf)) molecule.addVert (pperf, 6); } logInfo (String("Structure (") + i1 + "," + j1 + ")-(" + i2 + "," + j2 + ") completed with " + molecule.nvert () + " atoms"); } //final y visualizacin //end and visualization molecule.reconec (1.35); logInfo (String("Refining process: ")); int eliminados = molecule.depuraconec (); logInfo (String(eliminados) + " bonds removed and "); int creados = molecule.remataconec (); logInfo (String(creados) + " bonds added."); finish(terminator); } int W2::detectanconc (pto2D pA, pto2D pB, pto2D pC, pto2D pD) { int nconcav = 0; //el interior esta por debajo del primer trayecto. si tiene4 concavidades, es el complementario del cuadrado. pto2D v1 = pC.menos (pB); pto2D v2 = pD.menos (pC); pto2D v3 = pA.menos (pD); pto2D v4 = pB.menos (pA); double a1 = v1.angulocwhasta (v2); if (a1 < 0 || a1 > M_PI) nconcav++; double a2 = v2.angulocwhasta (v3); if (a2 < 0 || a2 > M_PI) nconcav++; double a3 = v3.angulocwhasta (v4); if (a3 < 0 || a3 > M_PI) nconcav++; double a4 = v4.angulocwhasta (v1); if (a4 < 0 || a4 > M_PI) nconcav++; return nconcav; } pto3D W2::aproxNT (pto3D pto, //pto es el punto a aproximar int atotip, int posi, int posj, pto3D origen, int i, int j, pto3D orient, pto3D inicio, double coef) { pto3D inicioperp = inicio.proyeccplano (orient); pto3D vprolonori = inicio.menos (inicioperp); //a la fuerza es la proy de inidio sobre la orientacion pto3D vx = inicioperp.aversor (); pto3D vz = orient.aversor (); pto3D vy = vz.prodvect (vx); Nanotubo NT = Nanotubo (i, j); //contamos los pasos tanto radiales como longitudinales correspondientes a posi, posj double deltazet = -posi * NT.deltaz2 + posj * NT.deltaz1; //revisar si el orden esta bien los deltaz son todos positivos, ojo a los signos double deltaphi = posi * NT.deltaphi2 + posj * NT.deltaphi1; //OJO por motivos historicos, 1 se refiere alvect de la red que esta // por encima de Quiral, double deltazetat = atotip * NT.deltazc (); double deltaphiat = atotip * NT.deltaphic (); double R = NT.radio (); double cdp = cos (deltaphi + deltaphiat); double sdp = sin (deltaphi + deltaphiat); //los tres pasitos pto3D vv1 = vz.escala (deltazet + deltazetat); pto3D vv2 = vx.escala (R * cdp); pto3D vv3 = vy.escala (R * sdp); return pto.ptopondcon (origen.mas (vv1).mas (vv2).mas (vv3), coef); } pto3D W2::aproxNTchap (pto3D pto, //pto es el punto a aproximar int atotip, int posi, int posj, pto3D origen, int i, int j, pto3D orient, pto3D inicio, double coef) { pto3D inicioperp = inicio.proyeccplano (orient); pto3D vprolonori = inicio.menos (inicioperp); origen = origen.mas (vprolonori); pto3D vx = inicioperp.aversor (); pto3D vz = orient.aversor (); pto3D vy = vz.prodvect (vx); Nanotubo NT = Nanotubo (i, j); double deltazet = -posi * NT.deltaz2 + posj * NT.deltaz1; double deltaphi = posi * NT.deltaphi2 + posj * NT.deltaphi1; double deltazetat = atotip * NT.deltazc (); double deltaphiat = atotip * NT.deltaphic (); double R = NT.radio (); double cdp = cos (deltaphi + deltaphiat); // double sdp = sin (deltaphi + deltaphiat); // //los tres pasitos pto3D vv1 = vz.escala (deltazet + deltazetat); // pto3D vv2 = vx.escala (R * cdp); pto3D vv3 = vy.escala (R * sdp); return pto.ptopondcon (origen.mas (vv1).mas (vv2).mas (vv3), coef); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i1, j1, i2, j2, terminator, index; double lent1, lent2; char *p; if (argc < 9) goto bad_input; i1 = strtol(argv[1], &p, 10); if (*p != '\0') goto bad_input; j1 = strtol(argv[2], &p, 10); if (*p != '\0') goto bad_input; lent1 = strtod(argv[3], &p); if (*p != '\0') goto bad_input; i2 = strtol(argv[4], &p, 10); if (*p != '\0') goto bad_input; j2 = strtol(argv[5], &p, 10); if (*p != '\0') goto bad_input; lent2 = strtod(argv[6], &p); if (*p != '\0') goto bad_input; terminator = strtol(argv[7], &p, 10); if (*p != '\0') goto bad_input; index = strtol(argv[8], &p, 10); if (*p != '\0') { bad_input: std::cerr << "BAD INPUT\n"; return -1; } W2 w2 = W2(i1, j1, lent1, i2, j2, lent2, terminator); w2.molecule.mmp(std::cout, index); return 0; }