cad/src/exprs/PLAN.txt Copyright 2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. # $Id$ === plan for the files in this exprs directory: [last updated circa 061011] will be cannibalized for useful parts: [copy is above] [copy is above] will be removed someday, since copies of the above, but for now are used as ne1 glue into here: ../ ../ will survive upstairs as debug code, for awhile: ../ junk: will be maintained: will be added: a regression test file, or more than one classes (names unclear): Env, RawExpr, UnderstoodExpr, Instance... not sure if RawExpr, UnderstoodExpr are different; HelperClass seems to be both... ... and some .py files already added... === list of the biggest language deficiencies or todos [as of 070105]: - eval vs instantiate (semantic mess needs fixing) - mappings in general - instantiation - glue code memoization - misc apps - lexenv/dynenv disambiguation (and other widget_env cleanups) - iteration constructs (generalized list extension, not just for lists but for categories/hypergraphs too) - geometry needs to be geometric, not coordinate-based - type coercion - polymorphic arg decls - action/command syntax - rule syntax - layered data - draw decorators (_e_decorate_draw), so highlighting and display lists can work properly together - no compiling yet implemented ipath [070301]: - If I didn't care about transient state surviving code reloads, and if I took advantage of ideas about "delegating to a wrapped self" and "delegating to a class sharing self's state and methods", and if I handled explicit sharing explicitly (not sure of what all that entails, since explicit sharing is not much explored yet), Then would I still need ipath at all? Maybe not -- since maybe Instance identity would be sufficient in most cases. That is, Instances could just *contain* their transient state, and all external state would have explicit paths assigned as part of the model (like model object state already does, namely the index in the world), and if transient state nonpersistence across reloads got too annoying, it could be given explicit paths too. Not thought through enough to be sure. If true, it would be a big simplification.