cad/src/exprs/BUGS-fixed.txt Copyright 2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. # $Id$ This is where bug reports in the BUGS file are moved when they are fully and permanently fixed. See BUGS header text for details. == [fixed] 061208 highlighting synchronization bug If you click a checkbox, move the mouse onto something else, and click again, too quickly, the checkbox can be toggled a second time (e.g. in testexpr_19c). I speculate that this happens because the selobj has not been updated fast enough (due to a slow redraw; maybe 1-3 of them need to occur), and the code in GLPane/selectMode/Highlightable doesn't realize this and uses an old selobj to receive the click. We might work around it by rechecking whether the click coords are in the receiving object (in Highlightable), but I would have thought the callers were doing this anyway. It might be that I introduced a bug like this specific to the exprs module, for example in code to compensate for selobjs being replaced frequently with new ones. (At one point those new ones shared both glname and ipath -- right now they might be only sharing ipath, I can't recall.) Another workaround might be to make the selobj always visible as such, e.g. by hover-highlighting checkboxes even though that's not standard for them, so the user can see whether things are not catching up to their motions. This would also help with debugging (eg to test the above theory). update 061218 (and fix): reviewing the code in update_selobj in, I think that theory above was correct -- a comment where we figure out that the old selobj is invalid specifically says we're not changing it, since only the next repaint can set it correctly, but wonders if this is ok. Here is when it would not be ok: you click on a checkbox, and this causes a slow redraw; during that time, a move (bareMotion) and another press are queued. The bareMotion handler runs update_selobj which decides the selobj is unknown but leaves the old one set; no repaint has a chance to run right then, since the press was already queued, so the press handler runs next, and finds that invalid selobj and sends it a leftClick. The fix, for modes that define UNKNOWN_SELOBJ, is to store that into selobj when it's known to be invalid. Note that this breaks the glpane feature to give the old selobj "first dibs" at being the new one; I'm not sure if this matters. It does fix the bug. The changes for this in cad/src and cad/src/exprs are all commented with 061218. == [fixed] 061210 a rapid motion onto the Highlightable doesn't highlight it until the next motion # BUG in _9c, noticed 061210 morn g4: a rapid motion onto the Highlightable doesn't highlight it, tho it does update sbar text. # Only the next motion highlights it. I wonder if it's related to gl_update and usage-tracking sync issues. More on this [061211]: In my experimental graphics code I notice this bug for highlightable objects: if I move the mouse on top of an object rapidly enough (with a model which has a slow redraw), then the highlighting does not occur until i move the mouse slightly while it's over the object. It only happens some of the time, but I think it's because sometimes I don't move the mouse rapidly enough or stop it suddenly enough, so there are two mouse move events and the last one is entirely over the object (and causes the highlighting). I notice this bug even for highlighting open bonds, but my own code is active so that might make a difference. ... first try in Build mode -- it doesn't happen! hmm... bug is specific to testmode, even for identical models (/w open bonds). It is not just the redraw slowness difference, since it happens for testexpr = Rect(), which is not much slower. I bet it's recent -- maybe it's related to using GLPane_overrider? (Try not using it. [prevented it]) Or to recent Highlightable changes? [never tried] It's quite annoying. Indeed, USE_OVERRIDER = False prevents the bug. ... Fixed now, by using a property to delegate selobj, after I recalled that outside code sets glpane.selobj directly. == [fixed] 061213 nonrepeatable crash after waking mac crash after i was connected and using demo_drag, slept it, woke it much later, started using it again in same session. details of new use: checkbox off, then try to draw -- the square showed, the blue dots never did. instead python crashed. Macintosh HD:Nanorex:code, work notes:061213 crash postsleep offline -- has stacktrace from crash reporter [can't repeat it, but i wonder if it relates to asking for time right after wakening when it displays wrong on menubar] [but time might be red herring, in a thread that didn't crash, eg a sleep -- the one that crashed was doing _wrap_glLoadMatrixd -- maybe GL state didn't wake properly?] ... an attempted fix (runs, but not yet verified whether it really fixes the bug; see comments therein) is in Highlightable around LoadMatrix calls, 061214... later that day (IIRC as of 061218), I verified this probably fixed it, and since then I've never had the crash, so it's surely fixed. [later: see also: [Bug 2298] NE1 won't hide after mac sleeps, in some cases ] == [fixed] 061218 highlighting causes incorrect model motion towards screen (especially noticable when off-center in perspective view; it causes object boundaries to shift or texture pixel alignment to change) (this is a general NE1 highlighting bug, but is not a big problem for atoms & bonds since they also grow slightly when highlighting) fixed (only for selobjs defined in exprs module using Highlightable, and only when GLPane_overrider is active) by defining some new selobj interface routines, pre_ and post_ draw_in_abs_coords, which for Highlightables change the depth test to GL_LEQUAL rather than shifting the model (or using a depth offset, proposed but never tried since it's hard to figure out what the offset should be, unless you think "1 depth bit" is enough -- which it would be if you only wanted it to be as good as using LEQUAL, I have to admit, but in that case you might as well just use LEQUAL as I did). [NEW MINOR BUG PROBABLY CAUSED BY THIS FIX: see next bug report [in BUGS file], which starts "061218 when highlighting the fake openclose icons in e.g. testexpr_10c, only the gray rect is seen, not the + or - text."] One reason we might want a thoughtfully-computed depth offset someday is if we have the problem of draw_in_abs_coords using a different orientation for approximating spheres or cylinders as triangle meshes than draw (in local coords) uses for the same spheres, if it does not change their radius. But just fixing the coord sys issue might be better; I think Highlightable already fixes it, so we won't have this problem when we use it, anyway -- I predict it'll always do the same drawing as it does in local coords. Conclusion: we should never need a depth offset for that reason. Another reason would be if we draw a planar figure, then highlight a subregion of it. (The problem is roundoff error on the vertices causing slight depth changes between these two supposedly coincident planes. This is commonly seen when drawing different polygons in coincident planes, in the form of moire-like pixel-dithering patterns.) But that is probably fixable using a fixed depth offset of 1 or perhaps 2 bits, I would guess. == 070213: MT is very slow to update when a new node is added to it and it's open. As I said in (and never in BUGS.txt -- only moved out of code when bug was fixed): # 070213 comment: making new objects and adding them to the world (in e.g. seems to take time # proportional to the number of existing objects (even now that world._index_counter is untracked). But only if the MT is open # at the time! But opening/closing it seems to be fast, except on the first open. It seems like adding an element must # somehow create a new item for it (speculation) -- in spite of the following cache presumably trying to avoid that... # is this related to SimpleColumn being replaced each time, or is the node_id changing each time?? Or could it be something # different, like displists in MT being remade for reasons not yet guessed? # ... This slowness is not understood in detail for now. It's important to ###FIX -- closing the MT makes the difference # in tolerability of "make new object" speed. It's mentioned in BUGS.txt. # # suggestion about how to debug it: when adding an item (eg in world.make_and_add), # set a dynenv flag which prints all makings of new instances # and/or all recomputes # and/or all displist remakes # # then see what content in that printed stuff doesn't belong there -- # make sure i can tell which obj is the highest parent (ie something in the world), so i can guess whether # each printed recompute belongs or not 070218: fixed; see comments related to the flag bugfix070218 in ==