#!/usr/bin/env python """ cvs-sync -- python command-line script for helping merge changes from one cvs branch to another, for directories of text files which require no changes for the merge (like cad/src/exprs). $Id$ WARNINGS / BUGS / NFRS: - this script is NOT YET DONE -- just prints debug output about its analysis so far. - I don't know if the current line 1, "#!/usr/bin/env python", is portable to all OSes. - it doesn't check for -kb (binary files) and use cmp rather than diff -- but it ought to. - it doesn't descend into subdirs of the argument dirs. - there ought to be a way to run it on specific files in a larger directory, e.g. testmode.py. Maybe if I revise it to be more fully organized around file and dir analyzer objects, those will be easy extensions. Note that it needs one for each cvs branch, and another one (different class, effectively) for each pair of corresponding files or dirs in the two branches. (Though we might use fewer distinct classes for convenience.) """ # bruce 070118 USAGE = """usage: cvs-sync dir1 dir2 generates and prints proposed cp and cvs shell commands to be run manually in dir2, which would copy files from dir1, and/or cvs add, remove, or commit files in dir2, in order to make dir2 contents equal dir1 contents within the cvs repository. Options can cause it to print more or less info for verification of the commands, or to actually run the commands. """ import sys, os, time if not (len(sys.argv) == 3): print USAGE sys.exit(1) #e digr, not needed now: # can we prepend cad/src/exprs and cad/src onto sys.path, so as to use utilities therein?? # (will the imports done by that work, before librarification?) # (if not, can we prepend some other dir with kluge versions of some of those files, to fix it?) dir1 = sys.argv[1] dir2 = sys.argv[2] dir1 = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(dir1)) dir2 = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(dir2)) def entries_lines(dir): assert os.path.isdir(dir) entriesfile = os.path.join(dir, 'CVS', 'Entries') assert os.path.isfile(entriesfile) ff = open(entriesfile, "rU") lines = ff.readlines() ff.close() return lines # example lines: # 6, ['', 'TextRect.py', '', 'Thu Jan 18 20:22:45 2007', '', 'Twware_qt4_20060919\n'] # 1, ['D\n'] class analyzed_dir: def __init__(self, dir): self.dir = dir self.lines = entries_lines(dir) self.files = {} # public member for line in self.lines: words = line.split('/') # print "%d, %r" % (len(words), words) if words == ['D\n']: continue assert len(words) == 6 and words[0] == '' junk, file, rev, date, something, tags = words del junk, tags, rev, date if something: # I don't yet know what this field means; could it relate to -kb? # See what it is in experimental/textures (which also needs merge). # To handle binary files, use cmp rather than diff. [nim] print "fyi: this line in %s has something in a normally blank field: %r" % (dir,line) del something # all we care about is the set of files, but store all the words anyway self.files[file] = words continue return def something_else(self): pass def nfiles(self): return len(self.files) pass print print "lines from dir1", dir1 print d1 = analyzed_dir(dir1) print print "lines from dir2", dir2 print d2 = analyzed_dir(dir2) print print "syntax is ok" print d1.nfiles(), d2.nfiles() print for file in d1.files: if file not in d2.files: print "need to add:", file print for file in d2.files: if file not in d1.files: print "need to remove:" , file # now for the ones we need to change or not: i just want to count lines in diff output. look = [] for file in d2.files: if file in d1.files: look.append(file) look.sort() def noneed(outlines, file): ##e make this a method of a per-file analyzer class "no need to change, fom diff output?" # i.e. does it look like # 4c4 # < $Id$ # --- # > $Id$ if len(outlines) != 4: return False outlines = list(outlines) # don't modify our caller's copy for i in range(4): outlines[i] = outlines[i].rstrip() # don't worry about ending '\n' (or space) l1,l2,l3,l4 = outlines if not (len(l1) == 3): return False # if diff is too late into the file, look at it manually if not (l3 == '---'): return False if not l2.startswith('< $Id: ' + file + ',v 1.'): return False # look manually if anything is fishy about $Id$ lines if not l4.startswith('< $Id: ' + file + ',v 1.'): return False return True for file in look: ##e make this into a categorizing method of a per-file analyzer class print "do we need to change:" , file cmd = "diff %s %s" % (os.path.join(dir1, file), os.path.join(dir2, file)) # assume no spaces in these names, if it matters # output = os.popen("/bin/tcsh -f -c \"date\"").read() pipe = os.popen(cmd) outlines = pipe.readlines() pipe.close() print "got %d lines from %s" % (len(outlines), cmd) if len(outlines) == 0: print "zero length diff" # can be caused by a lack of an $Id$ line elif len(outlines) < 4: print "weirdly short:" # never happens now that 0 is special case print ''.join(outlines) elif len(outlines) == 4: if noneed(outlines, file): print "no need to change, I guess:" print ''.join(outlines) else: print "FOOLED BY len 4:" print ''.join(outlines) elif len(outlines) == 5: print "DO need to change, I guess:" print ''.join(outlines) else: print "DO need to change" print # to do: split the files into lists based on what to do; sort each one, # print more info for now, less later, so for now we scrutinize (with suchnamed cmdline option?), # then either way print the commands in a separate section for pasting into shell. # (or have a -doit option to use when you rerun? not sure) # # what about need for cvs password? should merge the cmds into a few big ones for all the files # of one kind. print print "done" sys.exit(0)