This document is a guide for using asciidoc markup Master Document file Headers, first line replace en with two letter language code --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :lversion: {sys: cat ../VERSION} Getting Started V{lversion}, {localdate} ================================= :lang: en :masterdir: {indir} :leveloffset: 1 The EMC Team The parameters are interpreted well before the load files lang-xx.conf and the other files .conf It is particularly important for the parameters as :lang: The typical authorized attributes : doctype, lang, encoding, icons, data-uri, toc, numbered More information here 8.2 Header Titles ====== = Document Title (level 0) = Note: level 0 can only be once per file! == Section title (level 1) == Note: trailing delimiter is optional. === Section title (level 2) === Links ===== [[anchor]] <> Example [[sub:torpodeos]] <> only bombs will show in the text with an underline so always provide a caption for a link Listing Block for G Code and terminal output ============================================ ---- < 4 dashes start of block lines of code ... more code ---- < 4 dashes end of block < 1 blank line after Literal blocks ============== .... < 4 periods start the block literal block will show up just as you type it. .... < 4 periods end the block < 1 blank line after Lists ===== * bullet ** bullet . numbered .. numbered List Item Continuation * List item paragaph one continued with a single plus hard left. + List item one continued with a second paragraph and first line of second paragraph must be hard left. HAL pins and parameters use the following format for consistency * 'parport.

.pin--out' (bit) Drives a physical output pin. bulleted list with the pin name emphasized by surrounding it with single quotes. Images ====== put all images in the images subdirectory image::[] example image::images/axis.png[] image::images/tiger.png["Tiger image",align="center"] If the image is small and displays too big in the pdf you can use the scaledwidth="60%" attribute Inline Images ============= Same as images except only one : is used and no attributes are used between the [] My text has an image in it image:images/axisbutton.png[] Figures ======= Use the following format for figures so any links to the anchor will move to correct place. Only create a link to a figure if it is somewhere else and not the next thing you see when scrolling down. Just say something like "in the following figure..." [[fig:Parport-block-diag]] .Parport Block Diagram image::images/parport-block-diag.png[align="center"] Notes and Warnings ================== Inline example NOTE: This is an example note. Paragraph example [NOTE] This is an example note of the paragraph style. Styles include NOTE TIP IMPORTANT WARNING CAUTION Escaping a character ==================== Normally characters like ' and * would not print unless you use \' or \* then they will print as normal characters. Making a horizontal labeled list. [horizontal] Label:: The text about the label Latexmath is broken at the moment and trashes the HTML. A work around is to use open office math to create the math image and gimp to screen capture and save to a png. check asciidoc cheatsheet or user manual for details about format.