check debian/changelog for recent news # some of EMC2 History & News ############################# 2009.06.13 - mshaver added emc2/configs/smithy directory and related files for Smithy Company's line of cnc machines. 2006.11.17 - removed HAL types s8, u8, s16, and u16. HAL now uses float for analog values, bit for booleans, and s32 or u32 for integer values. The only users who will be affected are those with Universal Stepper Controller cards. See item 9 at 2006.11.15 - merged classicladder 0.7.100 2006.11.04 - added a feed-hold HAL pin. Added M codes to enable/disable feed override, spindle override, feed hold, and adaptive feed individually. Feed override is M50, spindle override is M51, adaptive feed is M52, and feed hold is M53. G50/51 are no longer used to enable/disable adaptive feed, use M52 instead. 2006.10.24 - added support for block delete as defined by Section 2.2.2 in the RS274NGC_3 specs. 2006.10.24 - added support for optional program stop as defined by Section 2.2.3 in the RS274NGC_3 specs. 2006.10.14 - manpages have been created for most rtapi and hal calls 2006.10.01 - added a userspace simulator which includes rtapi threads. Use "--enable-simulator" to enable this mode, which cannot be used to control real hardware 2006.09.27 - added support to optionally save joint positions between runs ([TRAJ] POSITION_FILE = position.txt) 2006.09.26 - added support to specify UNITS in literal in the ini. (e.g. [TRAJ] LINEAR_UNITS = mm ) 2006.09.09 - fixed bug #1384883, optional stop was not optional. 2006.08.09 - AXIS is now a part of EMC2, not a separate source download. 2006.08.07 - Added a spindle-speed override. This allows to override the spindle speed during a program run. The MIN_SPINDLE_OVERRIDE and MAX_SPINDLE_OVERRIDE in the ini assure that speed doesn't get reduced or increased too much. Both values are in %. 2006.08.06 - Documentation can be built from source with the 'make docs' target 2006.06.11 - added realtime support for jogwheels. Three HAL pins per axis: one accepts raw counts from the wheel, one sets the distance moved per count, and one enables that axis to move. 2006.05.17 - added 'adaptive feed', a HAL pin that can be used to scale the feedrate in real time. Simular to feedrate override, but can only vary from 0.0 to 1.0, and reacts much faster. Intended for use with EDM and other applications that require closed loop control of feedrate. 2006.03.18 - A new pin "count" exists for freqgen. It is the same as the internal symbol "count" shown in the hal introduction.pdf, or the result of up OR down if there was an "OR" component. 2006.03.16 - Modified the motion control module to behave more like other HAL modules - it no longer adds its functions to threads automatically. All the sample configs have been changed to explicitly add the functions, users who have custom configs will need to do the same. 2006.03.12 - If a copy of axis 1.3a0 or newer is detected inside src/ it will be automatically built and installed for --enable-run-in-place use 2006.03.10 - minor bugfix in tkemc for jogging 2006.03.10 - added genhexkins, with a minitetra sample config. This proves EMC2 works just as good with hexapods as EMC1 did. 2006.03.10 - added VTI support & sample configs 2006.03.07 - lots of fixes to the TP (most were wrong in the old one as well) 2006.03.05 - new Trajectory Planner 2006.02.20 - added a manpage for the runscript. 2006.02.12 - Fixed a bug that was causing the RT code to run very slowly, forcing users to set BASE_PERIOD very long. 2006.02.10 - The build process has been replaced, no more recursive $(MAKE) 2006.01.28 - fixed bug #1205237, mode switching sometimes hung 2006.01.08 - M62/M63 digital outputs synchronous to motion M64/M65 digital outputs that get set right away 2006.01.06 - work on halconfig.tcl, it is used to display/configure HAL data requires the BWidget package, realtime, and HAL to run. 2006.01.04 - fix bug #1387740, a motion that goes nowhere clears feedrate 2006.01.01 - the config picker has i18n support, a German translation exists 2005.12.20 - a new config picker has been written, if you start just the runscript this one helps you choose a config to run 2005.12.13 - new runscript, and config organization work towards the first release of EMC2 2005.xx.xx - EMC2 now supports tool-changing in complex scenarios 2005.xx.xx - classicladder now a HAL component, a software PLC 2004.xx.xx - HAL (the Hardware Abstraction Layer) is used for addressing hardware drivers, and allows for simple configuration #developers: this file should hold a history of improvements, bugfixes, etc it is useful for keeping track of development